Page 90 of Betting on You

I pressed my lips together and forced myself to ignore the chemistry and focus on his words.Bettering ourselves.I could tell he thought it was a great idea, but he was out of his mind. I was okay with fake dating, but I wasnotgoing to let him use me to make him a better kisser for other girls.

What the hell was wrong with him?

Actually, what was wrong withmefor caring?

“My apologies,” he said, looking anything but apologetic.

“And I willnotbe using you for ‘kissing practice.’?”

His mouth dropped open like he hadn’t even considered the idea that I’d refuse. “Why not?”

“Whynot?” I asked incredulously. “Because the whole point of kissing is sharing it with the person you care about. If I’m concerned about improving my game, I’ll practice with someone I’m into when the time is right, thank you.”

Zack, perhaps.

Yes, Zack.

Of courseZack.

“Oh, Glasses,” he said, looking disappointed in my answer. “You’re wasting an incredible opportunity with that wide-eyed idealism of yours.”

“Says you,” I replied, unsure why I felt disappointed.

“You’re going to regret it, but whatever.” Charlie straightened, seeming entirelyunaffectedby everything, and asked, “Do you want some bacon?”

Wow—he was just so quick to move on, wasn’t he? I rubbed my lips together—coffee and toothpaste—and said, “Yes, please.”


Bailey and I spent the day hiking while her mom and Scott went skiing. Scott seemed irritated that we were going out on our own instead of hanging with them, but I held Bailey’s hand and supported her I-have-no-interest-in-learning-to-ski agenda.

“Look at this,” she said, leaning down over a stream. She cupped her hands together, dipped them into the creek, then lifted the cold water to her mouth. “Drinking in the wild like a true mountain man.”

“You do realize that a mountain lion could’ve totally crapped in the snow, which melted and sent that fecal water downstream and into your hands?” I asked, in awe of her ability tonotthink about how disgusting that was.

She shrugged, grinning up at me. “It’s cold and delicious. I’m thirsty, so I’m good with poop water.”

I shook my head, equal parts horrified and impressed. Becauseas uptight as Bailey was about some things, she was so fucking chill about others.

I was constantly surprised by her willingness to roll with the punches.

Which was probably where the kissing idea came from. It was immature as hell, because nothing said middle school quite like “Let’s practice kissing,” but that kitchen kiss was fucking addictive and I’d been desperate for my next fix.

Kissing Bailey was supposed to be like everything else was with her. Entertaining, a contest of wills, a back-and-forth that was oddly satisfying; those are things I would say when describing our friendship.

But the kiss was something else entirely.

It was hot and sweet and a little bit wild, with her fingers on my shoulders and the smell of her shampoo in my nose. She’d been the opposite of uptight, and to be honest, it was really fucking with my mind.

“Here.” I held out my water bottle and said, “My germs are better than poop water.”

“Are they?” She blinked up at me in that way she had, like she could see every single thing I was thinking and she disapproved of most of it. But she took my Smartwater and said, “I mean, your mouth was on my mouth, and now my mouth was on poop water. So if I drink this, and you kiss me later, your mouth will be pooped in with the very next—”

“Stop,” I said, shaking my head as she reasoned like a toddler.

“Fine,” she replied, looking pleased with herself.

My eyes got a little stuck on her for a second because she looked so damned cute. She was wearing jeans, a thick brown sweater, and a plaid scarf in her hair, which should’ve been boring, but on her, it worked, especially when she wore those old-school movie star sunglasses.