Page 87 of Mafia Redeemer

“The TV’s on. I was coming out of the kitchen. I muted it, so I can hear you. I have my hands full, so speaker is easier. Otherwise, I might drop you. What do you want?”

“You make poor choices in friends and lovers.”

I will myself not to blush in front of Massimo. I remain quiet, waiting for this caller to tell me something useful. He or she will if I give them the chance.

“Michelle, you’re as stubborn as I was warned. I’m not interested in seeing who can out-wait the other. You put yourself between two powerful families who hate each other. They’re going to bounce you around like a pinball, claiming they can each protect you better than the other. But you wouldn’t need protecting if you walked away.”

That implies I’m getting in the way of something. Why doesn’t this person want me around?

“What if I picked sides?”

“You mean the Mancinellis because Lorenzo’s banging you? You can try.”

There’s a note of humor even though the voice is completely distorted and doesn’t even sound human. This person is mocking me. They’re certain Massimo can hear, and they’re trying to humiliate me.

“If you know I’m involved with Lorenzo, then you know he and his family won’t be pleased if anyone ruffles even a hair on my head.”

“Involved. You may as well be one of those sluts he’s fucks at his club.”

“You sound jealous. Are you mad he picked me?”

Something makes me think this is a woman after all. There’s a bitterness that’s replaced the mocking humor.

“You might be the flavor of the week, but you won’t last. You’re a distraction. A way to get back at the Kutsenkos. He’s using you for a good lay and to manipulate Maks.”

“Are you speaking from experience? Did he cast you off for someone else?”

“Ha. No.”

“Then someone you care about.”

“You aren’t going to analyze me and read into shit.”

But I already have.

“You work for someone who wants to cause trouble for the Mancinellis. You’ve had sex with Lorenzo at his club, hoping to gain something from it. Now you’re bitter because not only did you get nothing for whoever you work for, you fell for him, but he doesn’t want you. He wants me.”

“You think you know so much? You don’t—”

“But I do. It won’t be hard for Lorenzo to know where to look. You shouldn’t have called me, thinking you could taunt me. You’re not good at this game.”


“Enough. I don’t know whether someone hired you or you’re doing this on your own. If you are working for someone, remind them the Mancinellis didn’t become the most powerful family in New York because they manifested it from the universe. They earned it. If you’re not working for someone, then leave me alone because I promise you, if it comes down to it, I will bury you so far underground even worms won’t find you.”

“You don’t scare me.”

“I should.”

I hang up. My heart is racing, and I’m not feeling any of the bravado I showed. I’m scared I made it worse, but I refused to let anyone think they could intimidate me. I didn’t want to appear weak in front of my potential in-laws. I didn’t want this person to think they had the upper hand. And it just pissed me off.

“You handled that well.”

I offer Massimo a wobbly smile. The adrenaline is wearing off fast, and I’m trembling. He hugs me, and it’s as good as Nicoletta’s. I sag against him, and it reminds me of hugging Enzo when he’s comforting me. Massimo isn’t as big as he probably once was. I don’t doubt he once carried the same amount of muscle as his sons. But he’s in shape. This is no dad bod. I feel safe with him, and that’s exactly what I need. Matteo offers me a smile, but he’s been texting someone since I came into the room. I’m pulling away from Massimo when my phone vibrates again. I’m almost too scared to look at it.


“Yes, my sweetpiccolina.”