Page 92 of Mafia Angel

“We’re in the lobby.”

“She’s with you?”


“Hang on.”

I hear him tapping his phone, then it goes silent. A moment later, I hear Luca join the call.

“Gabe says Luigi isn’t there, and he’s not on the tracking app. Does he know he’s on duty with Gabe?”

“I’m sure he does. I sent out the schedule on Thursday and got the confirmation from him. I know Pauly and Giuseppe were talking to him earlier. Beppe took Livy to see her mom, and Pauly was with you and me when we went to the courthouse.”

Carmine cuts in, and I could hear him tapping his phone while Luca spoke.

“Pauly just answered my text. He said Luigi was on his way to you before we even dropped you guys off.”

I glance down at Sinead, whose face is pale after blushing so beautifully in the elevator.

“Mi sembra che qualcuno ci stia osservando. Luigi non c’è e mi si rizzano i peli sulla nuca. C’è qualcosa che non va. Non voglio che stiamo insieme nell’atrio, ma non mi va bene portarla fuori.”I feel like someone is watching us. Luigi’s not here, and the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. Something’s not right. I don’t want us hanging out in the lobby, but I’m not all right with taking her outside.

I switch to Italian because I don’t want what I say to freak her out, even though I can tell switching languages makes her realize something’s not right.

Luca speaks as my gaze shifts back out the glass doors.

“Pauly isn’t that far away, so he’ll be there in five minutes or less. He was having lunch with his sister and brother-in-law.”

“Bene. Ma ho ancora la sensazione che qualcuno ci stia osservando. Non riesco a capire chi. Non vedo nulla qui dentro che confermi i miei sospetti, ma lo so e basta.”Good. But I still feel like someone is watching us. I can’t tell who. I don’t see anything in here that confirms my suspicions, but I just know it.

Sinead gives my hand a little tug. I offer her what I hope is a reassuring smile, but it does nothing to soothe her. Her brow’s still furrowed, and her eyes are darting around.

“Piccolina, I see Pauly. He just pulled up. Let’s go.”

I say it as much for her as I do Carmine and Luca. I get off the phone with them as Pauly hurries toward the building. Neither he nor I say anything but position Sinead between us, so Pauly leads, and I follow. My shoulders are broad enough that I can walk slightly to her right side and still shield her entire back.

“It’s all right. We’re going to my place.”

Pauly opens the door for us, but the dome light doesn’t turn on. I yank Sinead back and spin us around. Pauly and I wrap our arms around her back, our shoulders bumping as we push her forward into a run. The explosion propels us off our feet. I twist, so I land beneath Sinead, and Pauly lands on top of her. I pull her head onto my chest, and Pauly’s is practically on my shoulder.

People scream, and I can hear feet running. Most sound like they're moving away from us, but a few people rush to help us. Pauly scrambles to his feet and helps Sinead up. I’m fighting to catch my breath after having both of them land on me. Pauly’s not a slim guy. A few too many chicken parm sandwiches. I’m just relieved he didn’t crush Sinead. His size surely protected her.

“Pauly, you hurt?”

“Nah, boss. Suit’s a bit singed, but I covered my head. I’ll have some bruises from shit— sorry, stuff —hitting me. But I don’t feel any cuts or burns. You?”

“Fine. Sinead?”

“I’m all right. Just— uh —dazed. What happened? How’d you know?”

“I’ll explain everything, but we need to go. NYPD will be here any minute. We don’t want to answer questions. This is an uncontrolled place and clearly not safe. I want you away from here now.”

Pauly and I sweep up the bags Sinead dropped, then Pauly’s hailing a cab. He gets in the front passenger seat, while Sinead and I climb in the back. He gives the driver the address to the Mancinelli Developers’ building. It’s the closest safe place for us right now. Ironic that I told Sinead to tell her boss she was going there.

“Lean against me,cuore.”

“What does that mean?”

We’re both whispering as though Pauly and the driver can’t hear us.