Don’t acknowledge them
I guessed as much. I’m certain the Nowakowskis had to recognize Carmine when he walked past. They have to be wondering what he’s doing here.
Won’t it seem suspicious to them that Carmine and Luca are here
No. I’m certain they know we know one of their men supposedly knows shit about me. They can’t be surprised that C and L came to listen to the man in the middle of all this.
“All rise. The New York City Criminal Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Simmons presiding.”
I gotta go. Starting.
I shove my phone in my pocket as I stand.
“Everyone but the jury may be seated. Ms. Homestead, please swear in the jury.”
I zone out for a moment while the jury recites their pledge. Something is going on. How’d Carmine and Luca know to be here? Are they just my regular guards assigned to me during this case? Will Mancinelli men be inside the courtroom every day? I didn’t get a chance to ask Gabriele that.
I tune back in when the judge addresses Diane.
“Is the prosecution ready?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
I can practically hear her smirking. Cunt. I got a particularly snarky email from her saying that they intend to throw the book at Cohenour. They had no intention of considering a plea agreement or reducing the charges.
“Is the defense ready?”
I stand.
“Yes, Your Honor.”
I sit. I sense Cohenour is about to do something as the judge speaks again.
“Prosecution, you may make you Opening Statement.”
Cohenour shoots out of his chair. I try grabbing his arm to pull him back down, but he yanks it away. Oh, fuck. I know what’s coming.No.
“Your Honor, I plead guilty.”
Fucking hell. I spring out of my chair like a fucking jack-in-the-box.
“Your Honor, a moment to confer with my client.”
The murmurs running through the courtroom will hopefully drown out my voice.
“What are you doing? You already entered your plea at the arraignment.”
“I changed my mind.”
“Did the Nowakowskis change it for you?”
He remains silent.