“Is there anything that connects Duffy to whoever’s spying on Sinead?”
“No. But it would be logical that it’s him.”
I drum my fingers on the counter as I think.
“Is he purely angry that Sinead is representing me, or did he also print the article to sandbag my case? Is he working with whoever set me up?”
Carmine shrugs.
“I don’t know yet. Do you want me to find out if Dillan knows anything about Duffy’s article?”
“Sure. I don’t want Dillan knowing Sinead means something to me personally.”
“All right. All of you stay quiet.”
Carmine pulls out his phone and dial’s Dillan’s number on speakerphone. It rings four times, and it’s probably going to voicemail.
“What do you want, Carmine?”
“Such a pleasant greeting. Sounds about right for the manners you have.”
“I’m in the middle of something. What do you want?”
“Duffy O’Toole.”
There’s a prolonged silence that makes all of us look around.
“What about him?”
“He wrote that article that trashed Gabe’s lawyer. Did you put him up to that?”
“No. I read it though.”
“Have you talked to him about it?”
“We’re having a chat right now, aren’t we, Duff?”
There’s a muffled sound in the background.
“Is he at the shop?”
Another silence. That’s a yes. It means Dillan’s working him over before he kills him.
“He pissed you off that much? I was calling to see if we needed to pick him up then blow some of your shit up.”
“It didn’t take you long to connect him to us. You won’t be the only one. I didn’t sanction this, and I don’t need this falling back on us. I don’t know Sinead well, but we’d play together when she came down from Rhode Island to see her grandparents. They’d come with us for Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and we went to her birthday parties a few times since it’s on the twenty-third. Before Gabriele gets in a fucking huff since I know he can hear me, no, we are not friends now. Sinead has had nothing to do with our family since her mom died.”
“So, Duffy took it upon himself?”
“Yeah. And now I’m pissed.”
Well, Duffy definitely done fucked up. It also means I won’t have a chance to question him. I speak up since he already knows I can hear the call.
“Are you pissed because you set me up, and he drew too much attention your way?”
“The only thing I care about is not having some shit newspaper article fuck me over because you assume we’re to blame.”
That doesn’t answer my question. The evasion makes me think they are to blame.