“Call the cops. See how that goes for you. See what happens when they arrive, and we offer them drinks on the house.”
“Fucking mobsters.”
“We’re not Irish, dumb fuck.”
Four voices respond at the same time. We’ve said the same thing so many times we ought to get it tatted across our foreheads. I glance down at Sinead, but she’s glaring at Josh. I make sure he truly understands how fucked he is.
“By the way, you live in a building I own. Move. Tomorrow.”
Mark and Tony handle getting him to leave. From the way he stumbles, the alcohol at dinner and here just caught up with him. I’ll make sure some of my guys visit him tomorrow morning to remind him of what I said. I won’t give it a second thought after that. Lorenzo signals the bartender over.
“You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sinead, do you want another drink?”
“No. I—” She looks toward the door. “I hope he won’t make a big deal about this. You don’t think he’ll really call the police, do you?”
I lean over to whisper in her ear and inhale lavender.
“He can go ahead, but it won’t do him any good. We pay a lot to keep the police away from here. If they have to come, they’ll look around without getting out of their cruiser. Then they’ll drive away like they never stopped.”
“Don’t tell me anything else.”
“Why do you think I’m whispering? That’s all you need to know, counselor.”
Lorenzo’s already walked away, and I’m not drinking. Sinead’s empty bottle is on the bar, and she didn’t say she wanted anything else. I take her hand and lead her out onto the dance floor. I have to lean in to whisper again.
“I don’t want your night to be ruined. Have some fun for a bit, then I’ll take you to Auntie Paola’s.”
She nods, and we start dancing together. My mother thought I would be a child ballroom dancing star. She forced me into those stupid spandex fake tuxes and pushed me out on the dance floor from being five until I turned ten, and we moved to America. I still dance from time to time with Maria and my aunts because they all know how. So, I don’t have two left feet as I move to the music with Sinead. She looks so much more at ease than she did with Josh. She’s dancing for real instead of just swaying.
One song turns into two, turns into five. We’ve been getting closer with each one until we’re now touching. I wrap my arm around her waist, and she leans into me. I have a fucking tent pole in my pants right now, and I know she can feel it because she just rubbed her pussy against me. We keep moving together, and all I want is to drag her into one of the storerooms, wrap her legs around my waist, and pound into her. I want more of what we started last night.
I look down to find her staring up at me. When I cup her cheek, she doesn’t push me away. How has this woman I wasn’t sure I could trust entranced me? I want to taste her like I want my next breath. I’ve had one-night stands before. Fucking Lolita for example. I’ve hooked up with women I met the same night, though I haven’t done that in close to a decade. I get lust. I’m feeling it right now. But I don’t recognize the feelings going along with it. It’s a lot of what I felt last night, but it’s even more. Last night was driven by fear, anger, lust, protectiveness, and possessiveness. Tonight doesn’t have the fear. It has something I can’t name.
I lean down as she lifts her chin, and our lips brush, then fuse. We can’t get enough the moment the kiss starts. She fists my shirt as I slide my leg between hers. We move together with the music, and all I can think about is if this is dancing, then how the fuck will I survive kinkier sex with her? This is a gentler, more sensual version of last night, and I’m close to coming already. We’re equal partners in this, but she’s letting me control it. She’s not pushing for more, but she’s taking everything I’m offering. She’s deciding as much as I am. My hand slides down to her ass, and she moans into my mouth.
“Tell me to stop,piccolina.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You know we shouldn’t.”
“And I don’t care right now.”
“You will in the morning.”
“Good thing it’s still tonight.”
I look around as I take her hand. I spot Lorenzo, and he grins. He nods, and I roll my eyes. He’s going to give me shit tomorrow about how he knew from the moment he saw her I wanted her. He juts his chin toward the office. He knows I can’t leave without my jacket or my weapon. I lead us to his office and enter the code. The moment she follows me inside, I slam the door shut and pin her against the wall.
“What do you want, Sinead?”
“To do what?”