Page 35 of Mafia Angel

I know what I’ll do.

“I think I have a solution to not having any of my work stuff with me and being dressed for a date rather than work. If I’m stuck going out, I may as well be comfortable.”


Hey. I told Josh I’m not coming from my place. Can I say I stopped at yours to drop off my stuff and change? Maybe say I borrowed something of yours to wear? Pretty please with cottage cheese and a cherry on top.


You’re lucky I saw this. I’m about to start a yoga class. Sure. Why don’t you want him to pick you up?


I told you I’m breaking it off with him in the morning. I just don’t want him getting the wrong idea if he drives me home. He’s tried to kiss me twice.


Is he really that awful? He’s fine at work.


He’s not a pompous ass at work at a hedge fund management company? Shocking.


I’m a hedge fund manager too. Am I pompous?


No. You actually work.

She sends me a smiley emoji with the hearts for eyes.


Say whatever you need to. I’ll be a corroborating witness counselor.


Thank you.

I put my phone back in my bag and look out the window as we cross the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge onto Staten Island. We’re making way better time than I expected. I might have a moment to catch my breath after all. It’s all relative in New York, but traffic should have died down a bit by the time we need to leave a little after six. I should have an hour.

“My friend Andrea is going to cover for me. I’m going to say I got ready there since she lives in Manhattan.”

“That’s good. Then he won’t ask where your work stuff is.”

“You read my mind as well as I do you.”

Our eyes meet in the mirror. I don’t know what to make of the look in his. We’ve sat in silence most of the time, which is exactly what I didn’t want. I’ve treated him like a chauffeur, being on my phone almost the entire way. But last night makes things awkward today.

“Other than the gym, what do you like to do?”

I can be conversational. Maybe he wants to forget last night ever happened. It feels off to ask something so mundane, but I suppose I should actually get to know him if I want to believe I’m truly into him. I want it to be deeper than lust.

“At least you assume I do things other than go to the gym. I like to read.”

I try not to show my surprise. It’ll seem like I’m shocked someone who looks like him can read. I don’t respond fast enough.