Page 33 of Mafia Angel

She’s backtracking, and I’m not stopping her. But it only lasts another fifteen minutes before she drags herself off me. I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. She cups my jaw in her left hand as her other hand brushes back hair from my temple. She offers me such a tender kiss before she steps back and gets dressed.

All I can do is sigh. If this was a one-night stand, it was the best I’ve ever had and the best I ever will.




You’re famous. I saw you on the news a few days ago while watching the market. Numbers are looking good and so are you. Can’t wait to show you off tonight. Pick you up at 7.

Fuck my life.

“This night’s going to blow.”

“Why’s it going to blow?”

I look up to find Gabriele watching me in the mirror again. He arranged for Giuseppe to take me home last night after a guy around Gabriele’s age picked him up from wherever the driver was. Gabriele said the man’s name was Carmine. I was too dazed by what happened— all of what happened —last night for the name to register. When Gabriele picked me up this morning, he acted like nothing happened between us yesterday. It hurt. It still does.

So, why’s it going to blow? Besides the fact the hottest guy alive is my babysitter on a date I don’t even want to go on? It’s the actual fucking date. Show me off? Dance, monkey, dance. Thank you, no thank you. That’s a level of clingy I don’t like after two dates, especially from a guy I’m not into.

“Josh saw us on the news the other day while he was watching the stock market. He’s looking forward to tonight.”

“He wants to show you off, right?”

“How’d you know?”

“Your expression and what you just said. Cancel.”

“I wish. It’s not for his sake, that’s for sure. I told Andrea I would give it three dates before I decide anything. She wanted me to give him a fair chance. I was willing to before I met him. Now I just want to get to tomorrow morning and end it.”

“You’re going to a club tonight. You won’t be stuck talking much.”

“True. I just need to get through dinner. You said someone in your family owns Constantine’s. Can you ask them to serve us really fast?”

I’m only half kidding.


He’s not kidding.


“Sinead, I’ll be there. If you want to leave, just signal me. I’ll get you out.”

I nod.

“He said he’d pick me up at seven. When I rescheduled, I said I’d meet him at the restaurant. He conveniently forgot.”

I’m watching Gabriele in the mirror, and I see the muscle in his jaw tick. Other than that heartbeat-long reaction, he appears unfazed by what I said.

“If you don’t feel comfortable getting in a car with him, then don’t. Text him back and say you aren’t coming from your place and will meet him at the restaurant. I’ll take you.”

I’ll take you out for dinner.

That’s what I wish he said. I’m infatuated. Last night has thrown me off. I thought my lust was one-sided. Now I know it isn’t, but he’s acting as though we didn’t have sex, let alone amazing sex. I’ve never been so attracted to a man in my life. I’ve hooked up with some women at the BDSM club I belong to, but it was never anything romantic. I just wanted to know if it was something I was into. Not really. They weren’t horrible experiences, but I don’t feel like I need more. I’d still call Gabriele “sir.”

“I’d prefer you take me, please.”