Page 31 of Mafia Angel

I see the self-loathing in her eyes, and I’ve pushed hard enough. I don’t want her to feel worse.

“Don’t risk your safety like that again,piccolina. You won’t like the consequences.”

I reach around her since her car blocks anyone’s view from that side. I grab her ass and squeeze hard. She doesn’t struggle against me, whimper, or push me away. She nods. I let go immediately. The way she looks at me says way more than she realizes. I lean into her and whisper, even though I know no one else can hear us.

“You want that, don’t you? You want my hand on your bare ass.”

She nods.

“Give me your keys. Luigi is going to drive it back to your place. You’re coming with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“My place.”

This wasn’t my plan. At least, not originally for tonight. But she will learn that her actions have consequences in my world. I lead her to the town car and hand the keys to Afonso.

“Call Luigi. Have him meet us and take her keys. Then take us to my place.”

I help her into the car and slide in after her. Afonso closes the door, and the privacy glass is already up. It’s how she didn’t know I was in the car, too. She reaches for her seat belt, but I pull her toward me. Her shirt is still untucked, but she zipped and buttoned her pants at some point.

“Undo them and push them down. Your panties too.”


“Sinead, do it. You risked your life today, and I told you there would be consequences. Your expression told me you consent as loudly as if you screamed it, then you got in this car. Do you disagree?”


It’s a soft murmur as she does as she’s told. It’s awkward, but she gets them down her hips. I tug her over my lap.

“I am going to spank you, and I am not talking about some little taps on your ass. This isn’t anywhere near for pleasure. This is a punishment because you endangered your life. You knew I would follow you, so you endangered mine, too. Someone must have told you about this place, and my guess is a cop or a fed. They had to know you’d use that information and go. By telling you, they encouraged you. I don’t want to know who because if it’s a man, I’ll just be adding to my sins. I can’t punish them for something so stupid, but I will take out your recklessness on your very fine ass.”

I run my hand over, squeezing and stroking and patting. She’s unprepared for it to crack down across both cheeks. I’m not gentle, but I am restrained. I would never use more than a fifth of my strength on her. It wouldn’t just hurt. It would harm her, and the thought of that happening is why I’m punishing her in the first place. I have a large hand that easily covers most of her ass. But she’s not a small woman, even if she’s much smaller than me. Her ass is perfection. Plenty for me to enjoy. And I will enjoy it soon. I don’t see abstinence on tonight’s plans anymore.

I rain down spank after spank. One to the left, one to the right, one under both cheeks at her horizontal crack. I keep this pattern up, each set of three serving as one in my mind. We get through twenty, and she’s sobbing. She’s kicked her legs several times, but she hasn’t tried to pull away. It’s obvious this isn’t her first spanking. I don’t know if her others have only been for pleasure or not, but she clung to my ankle to keep her hands from covering her ass.

“You’re dripping wet for me,piccolina.”

I reach across her and slide my finger through her pussy lips. I put my finger beneath her face so she can see and smell her arousal. That hand kneads and massages her sore ass while my spanking hand cups her pussy. Her pants make it challenging to pull her legs wide, but I get my fingers into her slick, tight cunt.

“I’m going to edge you until you think you’re going to explode. Then I’m going to stop because orgasms aren’t part of punishments.”

But I will make her come once we get to my place. Many, many times.

“Gabriele, I’m sorry. Please. I already can’t take it. My ass burns from the spanking, but my pussy burns from wanting you. Please.”

“You sound so sweet when you beg. I won’t relent, but I like listening to you.”

I do, but it’s a fucked-up thing for me to say, and I know it. Then again, it’s only fucked-up to a woman who isn’t like Sinead. I feel her relax. I’ve told her what to expect, so she can now prepare herself for it. She won’t exactly enjoy this, but I’ve given her enough control back not to panic.

I keep working her pussy, pulling my hand away when I think she’s getting too close. I noticed we’re headed toward my place, but I don’t think she’s realized we’re moving. She’s moaning and trying not to tremble, trying not to let me know when she’s close. When we’re a few blocks from my place, I stop. I sit her up and lick my fingers in front of her. Then I coil her hair around my hand before kissing her.


I groan her name as her hips presses against my cock. I open my thighs enough for her sore ass to rest between them, not wanting my pants to irritate it further. I tuck her against me and kiss her forehead. Her tears subside as I hold her.

“You truly frightened me more than I have been in years. Please, never do something like that again. You know you’re representing someone in the Mafia, but you don’t know this world. I do. I’m not trying to control you when I tell you not to speak to someone. I’m doing it to protect you. I told you about those men, and you did it anyway. I was angry earlier, but I wasn’t just now. I would never spank you out of anger. But I wasn’t pleased with you.”