Page 143 of Mafia Angel

She offers it to Laura, but she doesn’t let go immediately.

“I know what Gabe did. I’ll never make excuses for it. Your husband and his brothers can do whatever they have to. But if one of them involves me or any of the women in the Mancinelli family, I will blame you. You and I will be face off, and you and I both know a showdown between us will make anything they’ve done to each other look like toddlers throwing tantrums.”

I confessed everything that happened with Anastasia Kutsenko, Nikolai’s wife. I wanted it off my conscience, but I also wanted her prepared when this conversation happened. I didn’t want Laura or Maks to say something that would blindside her. I didn’t expect her to issue Laura a threat.

Laura turns more squarely toward Sinead, and it looks like Maks tries to pull her back. She ignores him.

“You’re right. You and I know what that will look like. We went up against each other more than once in law school. We’re both far more experienced now and with far more to lose. You’re about as likely to back down as I am. I’ll deal with my family, but you keephimunder control, and we won’t have a problem.”

She arches an eyebrow when she talks about me, but she doesn’t shift her gaze from Sinead’s.


Sinead thrusts out her hand, and Laura takes it immediately. They stare at each other, and I can tell they’re testing each other’s strength. Neither lets go, and it goes on way longer than any cock measuring handshake would. I look at Maks, who looks at me. For once, neither of us knows what to do.

“Laura, we should find our seats.”

“Sinead, let’s grab a drink while the line at the bar is short.”

They finally release each other. They plaster fake smiles on their faces as they turn away from each other. Maks and I exchange another glance, unsure what to make of the standoff we just witnessed. We find our seats, and we’re at a table that has us facing Maks and Laura at the next table over. Just before dessert, I could swear I see Sinead wink at Laura. I’m certain I saw Laura wink back.


I lean to whisper to her as people at our table chat.

“Yes, Daddy?”

“Did you speak to Laura before tonight?”


“Then why did you just wink at each other?”

“We meant everything we said to each other earlier. Don’t doubt that. But we also understand that cooler heads prevail. Neither of us is backing down, but we agree we’ll try to get the men in our fam— She’ll try to get the men in her family to back off while I ask you to get the men in your family to back off.”

“Sinead, you were right the first time. It’s our family. You know everyone accepts you and knows we’re together for good.”

“I know. I just don’t want to be too presumptuous.”

I brush my thumb along her nape before I kiss her cheek. I lean away as a server puts my dessert in front of me. I know what cream I’d rather have for dessert. I suffer through the final course before we say our goodbyes. As we leave the ballroom, Sinead points down a hallway.

“I’m going to the restroom.”

I nod and watch her. When I see her get to the end of the hallway where the fire exit is, I head after her. She watches me separate from the crowd and stalk toward her. She waits until I’m close enough that she’s not scared to go into the stairwell alone. When I walk through the door, I hear her heels tapping on the cement steps. I follow her down, taking my time. Every so often, she pauses, and I know she’s trying to tell how far behind I am. She doesn’t notice I’m watching her over the railing. I see when she stops beside a door leading to hotel rooms. She opens it, and I run down the last flight. I see her running down the hallway, her shoes in her hand. I catch her and wrap my arm around her waist. I fumble in my pocket, but I get the keycard out.

“You’re coming with me, little girl.”

I can feel her heart pounding. I push open the door before kicking it closed. It doesn’t slam, instead quietly clicking closed. I twist us, so she’s against the wall beside the door. I press my weight forward, pinning her in place.

“You thought you could run from me,piccolina. Don’t you know by now that I’ll always come for you?”

I deepen my voice as the end, and she shivers.

“I’ll always make you come, Daddy.”

“That’s right. You’ll make me come in your mouth, in your hand, in your cunt, and in your ass. They’re all mine.”

“Your cum is all mine.”