“Massimo won’t defend Gabriele on this. The optics wouldn’t be good. They’ll get outside counsel for sure. If they hire her, I want everything you know about her.”
“I thought you didn’t go after women.”
“We don’t. It doesn’t mean we can’t be informed.”
“I’ll get you everything you need.”
He ends the call and walks away. Salvatore fast forwards until I recognize the crime scene officer.
“Play this part, please. I know him too.”
I watch Ryan approach the car. He’s dictating his notes as he goes. When he gets to the camera, he describes the brand and model. He states it was recording at the time that he found it. He checks his watch and says what time he turns it off. Then it goes black.
I sit back as I try to take in everything we just saw. I don’t know what the fuck to make of it.
I watched the video in the car while Lorenzo drove. He heard all of it, but I saw it all. If Philip wasn’t already dead, I’d fucking kill him all over again. Aleksei basically gave Philip the go-ahead to spy on Sinead. Maybe he didn’t know Philip wanted to fuck Sinead. But he knew the guy was dirty and would do shady shit.
He made Sinead a target. He knew about her before Uncle Salvatore and Uncle Massimo even hired her firm and her. They were already watching her. I’m so far passed enraged I don’t know what to call this. If Sinead weren’t beside me, I’d be losing my shit. I’m only holding it together to keep from terrifying her. I was furious when I saw it the first time, but I caught things I missed the first time around. Now I want to smash Aleksei’s head in. Motherfucker.
I wrap my arm around Sinead’s shoulders as she leans against me.
“Can I go home now?”
Not we. I. Does she mean her place?
“If you don’t want a driver to take me back to the penthouse, I get it. I know you probably need to stay here and deal with this, but I just want to go home and climb into our bed. This was a lot to see.”
What the fuck did I just do? What the fuck did we all just do? I let her watch two men get murdered. I have never been this careless in my life. I let her watch it as my defense attorney to know what really happened. I let her watch it as my girlfriend to reassure her there was legit evidence that proves my innocence. I didn’t think about the part where she’d see Aleks shoot two people. Fucking hell.
“Let’s go now.”
“Don’t you need to stay here?”
She darts her gaze over to Uncle Salvatore and Uncle Massimo. They’re both watching us. They nod, but Uncle Salvatore looks up at the ceiling.
“I do. We can stay here tonight. I’ll be down here talking if you need anything. I’ll go up with you and show you our room.”
She mouths “our.”
I lean to whisper to her.
“No one thinks we’re virgins anymore.”
Her cheeks flush, and she can’t look anywhere but at the floor. It’s adorable. I lead her out of the den to a quiet house. The women must have gone to bed. There are enough bedrooms here for everyone to have one. We walk up the stairs in silence, and I let her into the room I use when I spend the night. I have some clothes in here already.
“Are you just going to be talking?”
“Most likely. If I have to go out, I’ll wake you and let you know.”
“It’s a good thing I live with you. You know where to find your lawyer in the middle of the night.”
She tries to jest, and I smile. But I can tell she’s exhausted and scared. I point out the bathroom and tell her there are extra toothbrushes in the middle drawer. I open the dresser and pull out one of my t-shirts. When she comes back out, I help her undress before slipping the t-shirt over her head and arms. She squeaks when I carry her bridal style to the bed. She gets under the covers, and I perch on the edge of the bed.