Irony’s a bitch sometimes. And at others, it’s just funny. The head of the forensics unit has a degree in Computer Science. The guy was from Iowa and didn’t know who Lorenzo was when they were in college. They were roommates all four years. It shocked the shit out of them both when the guy came home to their apartment one day just before spring finals. He was all excited to tell Lorenzo that he got a job with the NYPD. He couldn’t get why Lorenzo wasn’t as enthused as he expected.
The guy started a short internship the next day as a way to train him before he officially started work. That was when he discovered who the Mancinellis are. We were in the middle of a racketeering investigation. Lorenzo made evidence disappear as quickly as this guy could find it.
Fast forward four years, and the guy’s brother-in-law was about to go down for a white-collar crime. Lorenzo found out and made evidence disappear without saying anything to his old roommate beforehand. He didn’t have to. Lorenzo got a call in the middle of the night from his old friend, promising a favor in return. Lorenzo hasn’t cashed in on it yet. He’s offering to now.
“Let’s see how this plays out a little longer.”
The next ten hours feel like ten years. Lorenzo and I take turns working Philip over, but we knew within the first hour that he knew nothing else. We were just punishing him for being involved. I finally ended it with a bullet between his eyes.
I’m clean and on my way to Uncle Massimo and Auntie Nicoletta’s. Lorenzo’s driving, and I just turned on my phone. Immediately, a text alert pops up.
Good news. Come home ASAP.
I don’t know when she sent this. I hit the call button.
“Daddy, you’re free.”
That’s sounds nearly as good as hearing Sinead tell me she loves me.
“Hi,piccolina. What happened?”
“I got the video from the evidence room, and it shows Morris moving the camera to the other box. But it also shows Tyler watching it with Morris before they put it back in the wrong box. Someone walks in on them, and Morris pulls his gun on the guy. They arrested Tyler, but they can’t find Morris.”
They will in a few days. We’ll make it look like suicide. I know Sinead’s hoping I’ll fill in the gap in the story where Philip is concerned, but she knows I can’t.
“Anyway, Judge Hutchens granted the dismissal. They not only broke the chain of custody, there was clear proof of evidence tampering. I don’t know why Tyler agreed to help Morris, but I don’t care. It’s over.”
I glance at Lorenzo, who’s paying attention to the road. I don’t know if he heard how Sinead started the conversation, but if he did, he’s giving nothing away.
“Where are you?”
“At our place. Carmine and Serafina are here. Mario’s in the lobby, and some other guys I don’t know are outside.”
“All right. I’ll have Enzo drop me off. I’ll be home in an hour.”
I pray traffic isn’t bad enough for it to take that long. Once I hang up, Lorenzo beats me to it.
“I’ll get the camera to you tonight. Stay quiet.”
He commands his car to place a call.
“Zack, it’s Enzo.”
“I already have it. I heard all about it. Where?”
“Leave it in the begonia bush outside the lemon-colored house three streets over from you.”
“Are you su—”
“Let me get the dog on the leash. Hang on.”
We hear some shuffling around while Lorenzo changes our route. It only takes a few minutes for me to recognize we’re in a neighborhood with about a dozen Cosa Nostra homes. I look at Lorenzo, and he winks. Winks. I don’t think he even does that to women. He’s enjoying my shock.
I mouth “does he know” as I stare past him and out the driver’s side window. We just passed our lastconsigliere’sgranddaughter’s house. She was the first girl I ever slept with. He shakes his head as I sit back. We pass a gas station where I stole my first car because Carmine bet me I couldn’t get it started. Lorenzo slows down as his contact speaks again.