“Daddy, you make me feel perfect.”
I want to tell her how I feel so badly that I’m practically biting my tongue for real.
“If there are things about your body you don’t like, then I won’t diminish your feelings by saying you’re wrong. Whatever it is, is real to you. I won’t suggest you change anything or tell you how to. I just want you to know I crave you now, and I always will. There will never be enough time or enough ways to get enough of you.”
“You are the sweetest man ever. How’d I get so lucky?”
“You’re amazing at what you do, so my uncles demanded you represent me. Then you were just you, and I fell head over heels.”
Our foreheads rest together before we share several quick pecks. Then I put her down, and we straighten our clothes. We gather our things. I leave the shades down because raising them would scream what we’ve been doing. I know Lorenzo is meeting with some IT people for our legit businesses, but they’re working in some cubicles with computers in front of them.
“I need to head back to my office and see if there’s any news about Tyler. I have other cases to prep for, too.”
“All right, I’m headed to Uncle Salvatore’s now. Depending on how long this takes, would you like to have dinner with me there? It won’t be anything formal. Matteo, Carmine, and Luca will go home to their wives if they’re there. Uncle Massi will probably be, so maybe Auntie Nicoletta will come over. But chances are, he’ll go home, too. Lorenzo and Marco will stay for the dinner they don’t have to cook themselves. I can ask since he’s over there.”
I nudge my chin toward the voices.
“Do you think Salvatore will want me there? I’m still your attorney, and your family is still my client.”
“He’s not stupid or blind. He knows we’re together. He saw us holding hands. Whether or not I tell him, he could know by checking with our bodyguards. He’s said nothing, so he’s okay with it.”
“The other day when Luigi didn’t show up. You said something about a tracker. Do you wear one?”
I look around when we get to the suite’s door. I turn my belt buckle over and point to something that looks like it’s just part of the backside of the prong. Then I point to the end of the buckle that looks like solid metal.
“Yes. The little gold piece on the prong is an activator, in case I need help. The tracker is covered up. All the men wear them in their belt buckles. The women either have a bracelet or a necklace that only a special key can unlatch.”
I watch her as she digests that.
“It’s not to keep tabs on us. No one’s monitoring our every movement. We go where we want without having to ask permission or notify anyone. They’re there in case of trouble. If we can’t reasonably reach someone by pinging their phone or car, then we’ll go to the belts or jewelry. I pinged the tracker on Luigi’s phone and got no answer. He knew I expected him to pick us up. He’s one of the most reliable guys we have. That’s why I let him drive you. It was so unusual that I knew something was up right away. If it had been someone other than him, Giuseppe, Mario, Afonso, or Pauly, I would chalk it up to them not paying attention to time or some shit. Those five men have protected me and other people in my family for longer than I’ve been in America. They are the only ones outside my family I would trust with your safety. Until this is over, I only trust my family. That’s not knocking the other guys. They’re practically family, but the Mancinelli men are different. They know what you mean to me, Sinead. I don’t have to tell them.”
She watches me, and I wonder if she’s going to ask me to elaborate. If she does, I will.
“Will I have to wear one?”
“I’d like you to.”
“Would it be requirement?”
“No. Your body and what you wear are your own. But I would like you to. Once our relationship isn’t a secret, I’ll be anxious if you don’t. I don’t want to smother you, and I don’t want you to feel like my family watches your every step. Wearing one means I won’t do that. I’ll know that if something happens, we can find you and get to you.”
I won’t say anything about how Maria’s tracker didn’t ping for hours when men kidnapped her in Miami.
“Are all the pieces of the jewelry the same?”
“No. Maria and Serafina have bracelets. Olivia has hers in a necklace. My mama’s is in a watch my dad gave her for their wedding. The other women have a couple they choose from since they’ve been married so long.”
“Can I choose?”
“Yes. There are some limitations, but you can choose what it is, and I can have it designed.”
She glances back to where Lorenzo must be working.
“If you had to turn your alert on, would someone in your family tell me? Or is that something only family can know about?”
“My family will not only tell you, someone will come and get you. They’ll either take you to one of their homes or take you to me. It depends on what’s happening. I haven’t told anyone about us, but I haven’t had to. Like I said, they know what you mean to me.”
I guess I’m hinting and wanting her to take it. I can admit I’m scared to confess how I feel in case she doesn’t reciprocate. I’d rather her ask and me be honest than have to admit it on my own.