“No. it completely surprised him when Afonso showed up. He was underneath the car.”
I trust Luigi, but I’m realizing with Sinead’s life, I’m far faster to stop trusting someone than I am to start trusting them.
“And I assume no one is claiming this? No chatter at all?”
“None that Carmine or Lorenzo have found. They would have called you by now if they had.”
“The Polish have been on our radar. Would they do this because they’re feeling a squeeze?”
Uncle Massimo jumps in to answer that question.
“I doubt it. They don’t have the means to fight us if we find out they’re responsible.”
“Does someone else think we’re getting too close to discovering them or me getting off?”
“Mmm. I don’t think so.”
“Is someone pitting two of us against each other?”
“Possibly. Probably. But we still don’t know why that lumberyard and construction site were the target. The company that owns it does business with us, but they’re not affiliated with any syndicate. Who gained from that? No one. But that wasn’t personal. A car bomb is about as personal as it gets.”
I spin toward the door.
I hear Sinead running toward my office. I yank open the door and step into the hallway.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s Cohenour. He’s dead.”
I put the phone back to my ear.
“Did you hear?”
Uncle Massimo and Uncle Salvatore answer together.
“I gotta go. I’ll give you an update if I get one.”
Uncle Salvatore ends the call with one word.
The line goes dead. I look at Sinead.
“Marta called me. His ex-wife found him. Supposedly natural causes, but no one will know until the autopsy.”
“Are you sure they’re doing one?”
“Yeah. There’s no reason to think he’d die. No health concerns or anything.”
“Fucking around with the Polish is bad for the health.”