Page 51 of Mafia Angel

“You want to be my Dom?”


“I’m confused.”

“Do you want me to be your Dom? I’ll always need to dominate. I need the control, Sinead. There’s a lot of my life that I can’t control, so what I can, I cling to. I also want to be the one who takes care of you. We can’t date right now, but that’s what I want. We can meet at the club and use the anonymity to our advantage if you want to pursue a physical relationship. After the trial, if we win, and you want more, then we’ll have more.”

“How can you be sure you’ll want more by then?”

“Because I want more now. I don’t date. Like ever. I might hook up with someone every once in a while, and I have someone I see at Cries. But I haven’t met anyone until you who I’d be willing to let into my life. Did it start because you’re my attorney in this fucked-up situation? Yes. But I’ve told you things I didn’t have to. Things I wanted you to know.”

“Like that you read and don’t have a TV.”

“Yes. I’ve explained why I call some women in my family auntie and not aunt. I’ve told you who my father works for now. These are not things I tell just anyone.”

“I want more too. I couldn’t stop thinking how much I wished you were my date. How much I wanted to be dancing with you. Then getting to dance with you was so fucking hot. I couldn’t stop thinking what it would be like to have another night like last night.”

“Same. I do not want a D/s relationship with you with a contract and no emotional attachment beyond aftercare. I want a real relationship with you that involves kinky sex. Like I said, when the trial is over, if that’s what you want, then we try it.”

“But for now, it’s just sex.”

“You know it isn’t just sex, but that’s all we can do that won’t get us in trouble, and it has to be at the club under the guise of not knowing who each other is.”

“Can I think about it?”

“Of course.”

“What if I decide to say no?”

I won’t. There’s not a fucking chance in hell that I’d say no. But I want to understand where this is going.

“Then I respect that, and we continue on the way we’re supposed to.”

“And it won’t be awkward?”

“We don’t let it be. Today was because we didn’t talk about this last night or this morning. I want to date you because you intrigue me. I want to get to know you better because you’re intelligent and assertive. I want to fuck you because you’re hot. I’m old enough to separate the two.”

I consider everything he’s saying. It truly has been the most bizarre day and a half. But we’re in a bizarre situation. If I weren’t his attorney, he could ask me out, and I would say yes. If we met each other at our club, then we could scene together without either of us being the wiser. That’s sort of what we’re going for. We can have the physical and emotional but in a limited setting. I think.

“Can we talk and get to know each other better while we’re at Cries since we can’t go out together?”

“Yes. I don’t know who might join us for our pretrial meetings, but that is also a time for us to spend together. And that’s about the most fucked-up way to say we can have a date.”

He grimaces, and I giggle. I sit up and kiss his cheek. He turns his head and captures my lips again. Once more, it’s such a soft kiss that you would never expect from a man like Gabriele. He strokes my hair, and I want to fall asleep against him.

“This is why I don’t want to be your Dom, Sinead. I want this unconditional affection. I want it even when we’re not having sex. I want you to give me affection too. The longer I hold you, the stronger my craving for it is.”

I cup his cheek but wait for him to turn toward me. I start the kiss, and he lets me lead. I can feel he’s still hard, but he hasn’t tried to get me to do anything to him. He seems content the way we are.

“Piccolina, we need to get going. We can’t stay in here for forever. I’m certain Lorenzo has needed to come in here, but he won’t.”

“He knows we’re back here? He assumes we’re having sex, doesn’t he?”

“Probably. But if I tell him we didn’t, and that we talked, he’ll know I’m telling the truth. I’ve told a lot of half-truths, even to people in my family, but they know I don’t lie to them. Will I tell him what we did against that door? No fucking way. That’s between us.”

“You know I’ve seen you. Do you want people to watch us?”

“Maybe sometimes. But you will see I have very distinct tats.”