Serafina points to people, starting with the woman who offered me a chair.
“This isZiaSylvia. She’s my mother’s younger sister. She’sZioSalvatore’s wife, and the mom to those two little generals in the kitchen. She’s Carmine’s aunt becauseZioSalvatore is Paola’s older brother. You’ll probably find it odd that I call themzioandziafor uncle and aunt, but that’s how I’ve always known them since I grew up in Venice. Now that I’m a Mancinelli, I call the others auntie and uncle. So, this is Auntie Nicoletta. She’s Uncle Massimo’s wife and Luca, Marco, Lorenzo, and Maria’s mom. You met Auntie Carlotta already. She’s Uncle Domenico’s wife. Her son Matteo married Maria. Auntie Carlotta and Auntie Nicoletta have been best friends since they were children. Uncle Domenico is Uncle Massimo’s best friend. Uncle Domenico is Uncle Massimo,ZioSalvatore, and Mama’s adopted second cousin.”
Now I’m so lost. Serafina must see my confusion.
“I call Carmine’s mom Mama too. It just feels natural.”
Paola walks over to us and kisses Serafina’s cheek then mine. I don’t think I noticed Serafina called Paola that while we had dinner at Paola’s house. Maria grins at me.
“I’ll draw you a family tree.”
“I might need that.”
Serafina walks over to a very pregnant woman and helps her out of the chair.
“This is Olivia, Luca’s wife.”
I smile at Olivia, and I have a sudden pang of envy. I swallow it down, but Gabriele’s words about me having kids with him rings in my ears. I glance at Serafina, then Maria, and wonder if they plan to have kids. I know Maria is my age since she’s the same as Gabriele and Carmine. I think Serafina must be close. Olivia looks maybe a year or two younger than us.
I hadn’t given serious thought to having kids until now. I turn when I hear two little girls announce dinner’s ready. Gabriele has one on each hip. When my gaze meets his, I freeze. He lowers the girls to the floor and whispers something to them that makes them giggle. I move with the crowd until I reach him. He tucks me against his chest.
“What’s the matter,piccolina?”
“I want that.”
“Want what?”
“To see you carrying out kids like that.”
The words tumble from my mouth. I’m fucking mad as a hatter.
“I want to see you like Olivia, knowing that we made the baby growing inside you.”
I glance around before continuing.
“It’s not too soon to talk about this for real?”
“Who says it’s too soon? It’s the right time for us.”
I wrap my arms around his waist and inhale his light cologne. It calms me almost as much as lavender.
“You like my cologne, don’t you? You relax when you smell it.”
“Almost as much as I do lavender. After the accident, lavender was the only thing that calmed me enough to sleep. I keep it everywhere in my place because it’s something I can focus on if I feel a panic attack coming. Before the one you saw, I hadn’t had one in years. I don’t need it, but I like it.”
“Then I’ll make sure we have fresh lavender in our homes every day.”
“I have other properties,piccolina. I have places in Europe, South America, and Asia.”