Page 128 of Mafia Angel

“We can do that this weekend. In the meantime, go with Lorenzo. I’ll go listen to Carmine’s ‘I told you so’s.’”

If they’re jesting, does it mean that it isn’t such a big deal after all? Or are they distracting me from some catastrophe? I don’t want to know. I gather the rest of my stuff, and we head out. I see Marta as we approach the office door.


There’s censure in her voice, and for once, it grates on me. I usually appreciate any concern she expresses. But right now, not so much. She and the managing partners accepted Gabriele and his family as our clients. If they hadn’t, I wouldn’t need their protection. I also wouldn’t have found the love of my life, but I can acknowledge that later.

“Someone hacked my phone and sent me a threatening email. The Mancinellis have the resources to deal with it.”

She opens her mouth then decides better of it. She just nods and steps aside. I know that isn’t the end, but she’ll wait until I’m alone. That’s fine. By then, I’ll have thought up an excuse. I recognize Pauly and Afonso when we get to the lobby. The four men surround me as we go to the car. I can’t keep up with who’s on what rotation anymore. I’m just happy to see them and know that Gabriele trusts them. It surprises me when Lorenzo follows me into the backseat and Afonso gets into the front passenger. That means Pauly’s driving. I lean across Lorenzo to see Gabriele.

“Who’s your guard? Why are you alone?”

“I go places without one. You know that.”


“It’s all right. It’ll be over soon.”



I didn’t tell Sinead it would end now just to reassure her. I meant it. Carmine and Matteo brought Duffy to the garage, and he’s strung up naked, waiting for me when I arrive. I sneer at him as I head into the office. I strip off my suit coat and change into a looser fitting shirt. I put the surgical booties over my shoes since those are one thing we don’t want to constantly replace. Suits are fine. But a well-fitting pair of Italian leather shoes is a work of art. I remove my watch, and as I do, I look at my left hand. Specifically, my left ring finger. Carmine and Matteo are getting ready too, and I watch them both slip off their rings and put them in our safe. I want to be doing that too. I want to be taking off the ring Sinead slips on my finger.

But I pull myself out of my fantasy and head into the main area of the garage. I grab the baseball bat and stride over to Duffy. I crack it against his ribs with more force and speed than he could have anticipated. He howls as I pull back. I shift my hold on the bat and drive it into his junk like a battering ram. I step back and wait. Anything more, and he’ll pass out. Then we’ll have to wait. I’m not feeling as patient as usual.

“You’re pissing a lot of people off these days, Duff. Even more than usual.”

“Fuck you, you worthless Guido.”

“I’m worth to the tune of twenty-five million dollars. Call me whatever the fuck you want. Doesn’t change the fact you’re the one strung up, and I’m the one who’s going to kill you. Since you’re dead regardless, you can decide how you go.”

I point toward an enormous vat. There’s a set of steps with six on each side. That’s the only way to get to the lid, which stands about fifteen feet from the floor. It gives off steam, and it’s easy to see the temperature dial from where we are.

“You know what that is, don’t you?”

“I can guess.”

“You have to since you’ve never been to the store. The O’Rourkes have never considered you good enough to be part of their inner circle. They know they can’t trust you. They know that you’re worthless to them. But you pissed them off. They plan to kill you for causing trouble. I just wanted to have the joy of doing it myself.”

I slam the bat into the other side of his ribs. I’m certain I’ve broken a couple on each side. The bruising is starting faster than I expected.

“You threatened my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? She’s just some cunt you’re fucking to make sure she gets you off.”

He laughs at his double entendre.

I grab a set of pliers and step in front of him. I open the pliers wide enough to wrap around his dick. Then I squeeze. His screams are blood curdling, but I’ve heard worse, so I barely notice. I’m in the zone if you will.

“I already know you sent the email and text, which means I know you bugged her place. I already suspected that. But the listening devices weren’t what you can usually buy. They’re law enforcement grade.”

I didn’t mention that to Sinead because I didn’t know enough to do anything with that information. But now that I’m positive someone’s leaking info to Duffy, I can admit that I know. Whoever’s been filling his ear is likely the one who stashed the camera in the wrong box. I think we can all agree it’s Detective Morris.

I release the pliers, and he sighs. Dumb fuck. I gesture to Carmine to lower him. When he’s on his feet, his arms are low enough for me to reach. I snap off his left pinky before he knows what’s coming.

“Tell me what I want to know. Every time you make me wait, I snap off another finger. I’ll go through all your toes if I have to.”