“Oh, I caught all of it. That’s the one I want to focus on.”
“I’m not proposing to you in some parking lot in the Bronx. And I’m not proposing to you while I’m still on trial and may face life in prison with no possibility for parole. But that’s what I want. I won’t have a child out of wedlock, Sinead. I know how old-fashioned that sounds, but I won’t do it. I saw what it did to Carmine to have his mom get pregnant before his parents got married. Most of the old members who sided with their fathers and forced them to get married are dead. But there are still enough people my parents’ age, Uncle Salvatore’s and Uncle Massimo’s ages to make life even harder than it has to be. I want a future with you that includes a family. I won’t do that without being married. I won’t cause my children the hardships Carmine experienced. He and I kept a lot of shit secret because we were too young to know we could trust the other adults in our lives. The ones who would have protected us. There’s nothing I won’t do for you and our kids, and that includes creating a situation where people might mistreat you or them. You know I can’t walk away, but I will do anything I have to, to protect you and our family.”
I stop just short of admitting I’ll kill for her. The way she cups my cheek and kisses the other, I know she knows what I mean.
“You want to marry me and have bambinos and bambinas?”
“Me, too.”
“Let’s go home and discuss what Cormac told me and what you found out. Anything that gets us closer to being done with this hell storm. That way we can start working on our future.”
I don’t know why I started balling when I waited for Gabriele. Maybe it was because I recognized Cormac as he drove in. I haven’t seen him in ages, but he still looks the same as he did when we were kids. He was the one who was always getting in fights. He was the one people said had a chip on his shoulders. I think it was because he was the opposite of Gabriele. He was short until he was thirteen. Then he grew like a foot in a year. But until then, kids used to give him a hard time. Even the ones in his own family. Now that I think about it, Duffy O’Toole was one of the worst. Such an asshole. It doesn’t surprise me he was behind the article. Sounds about right for him.
Waiting for Gabriele to stop talking to Cormac was nerve-wracking, and wondering about it didn't help. I kept waiting to hear a gun or windows shattering. I debated with myself about whether I could leave like Gabriele told me to. I know I can’t. I won’t. Unless I’m pregnant or we already have kids, I won’t leave. I’ll take my chances and stay with him.
That was something that only made me cry harder. What if I’m left a widow? What if we have kids who grow up without a father? Salvatore and Massimo are in their fifties and have lived this long. I want to believe Gabriele will too. But I don’t know their family history well enough to know when they stopped doing what Gabriele probably does. I don’t know if they still do. I just don’t know. And that freaked me out.
“Lean back,piccolina.”
Gabriele opens his legs as wide as his soaking tub will allow, and I nestle between them, my heading resting back on his chest. He swirls bubbles around us as I wrap my hands around his thighs. When his arms encircle me, I sigh. Everything feels right again. Maybe the bubble bath helps, but I know it’s being with Gabriele.
“Do you want me to wash behind your ears, Daddy?”
I infuse humor into my voice because I know my freak out freaked him out. He’s been so gentle with me since I finally stopped crying on the way to the penthouse. I told him what scared me, but I didn’t tell him about me deciding there wasn’t a chance in hell I would leave him.
He tweaks my nipple, and it pulses straight down to my pussy. His hand drifts down between my thighs until he’s cupping me.
“I know what I’m going to wash.”
He eases two fingertips inside me, but that’s as far as he goes. It’s just enough to make me shift restlessly.
“Do you need something? Are you not comfortable?”
His tone taunts me, and his thumb and index finger playing with my nipple only intensify my need.
“You know I need more.”
He hums beside my ear as he looks over my shoulder and down to where his hand hides beneath the suds. He pulls his fingers from me, spreading them to slide along the outside of my vag. He’s tormenting me, and I love it and hate it in equal measure. I shift again so my ass rubs against his hard cock. Two can play this game.
“Yes, Daddy.”
I happily oblige. He turns me toward him, wiping bubbles from my smooth skin above my pussy. He keeps me steady as he slides down enough for his head to rest on the edge of the tub, then moves my feet to be on either side of his waist. He peels me open and licks his lips. Then his mouth is on me. My hands fly out to brace myself against the wall. His hands wrap around my thighs until I’m sure I won’t slip. Then one lands across my ass. I jerk, and immediately, both hands are back on my thighs to keep me from falling. I’m more prepared for the next spank. It stings, but this is all about pleasure. His tongue is doing things to me that make me dizzy. I have to close my eyes. I don’t know how long it takes because time is relative whenever we’re together, but I can feel my orgasm building.
“Daddy, may I come?”
It’s a muffled response because he barely pulls back enough to form the word. He keeps sucking on my clit until my legs tremble. He’s so strong that as I come, he’s lifting me off my feet and bringing me back down into the water. His cock slides into me easily since I’m a sloppy mess, and he’s so hard it’s standing straight up. I fall forward, my arms wrapping around his neck. Neither of us moves, savoring the feel of our bodies being connected. As the moments turn into minutes, I expect him to move. But he stays still. He’s still hard, but he’s not trying to get either of us off. I relax against him, and his arms drape around my hips.