Yeah. There’s no way I need anyone else, either. Not the way her little statement makes me as weak as a kitten. Not a chance.



I kneel down and place my hands gently on Damian’s shoulders, looking into his blue eyes. “Are you sure, sweetie?”

He nods.

“It’s OK, Mom. I’ll look after him.” When Elsa takes Damian’s hand, I swallow down my tears as my big girl gives me a bright smile.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

“We do.” Elsa’s expression is firm. “We want to come and live with you and Jarra, and we don’t want Dad to mess that up. That’s what we’ll tell the judge.”

I nod, choking on the words I wanted to say. Kalli bends down to hug Elsa and Damian, then puts her hand on my shoulder. “You’re going to be great. Your mom is so proud of you.”

The secretary who has been quietly waiting to take them into the interview room gives me a smile. “The judge won’t keep them long. You’ll be able to sit right there and watch on this screen.”

She points up at a flat screen TV attached to the wall, the monitor on and showing a room with a basic brown table and four vinyl chairs.

“Thank you.”

The secretary takes Elsa and Damian into the little room and pulls out a chair for Damian. When the kids are sitting in their places, a kind looking woman, with dark gray hair cut into a curly bob, comes down the corridor. I blink twice when I notice she has dark gray horns poking out from her hair and scales around her chin. I didn’t expect the judge to be a supe. Silly, really. Jarra said they’ve been working and living among us all along, quietly getting on with life. I feel reassured by this little reminder of him here in this moment.

“Ms. Karas? I’m Ms. O’Connor, I’m the magistrate assigned to your case. I’m going to ask your children a few questions, and then I’ll review all the evidence again and make my decision. Do you have your lawyer with you?”

I nod, glancing back to where the solicitor Jarra hired stands holding a stack of files. She gives me a small nod and a smile.

“She can advise you, but if at any time you feel uncomfortable, press the buzzer and we’ll stop the interview.”

I nod. Kalli squeezes my hand.

Ms. O’Connor goes into the interview room with Elsa and Damian and closes the door softly behind her.

On the TV screen, I see her smile at them as she sits. “Hello, Damian and Elsa. My name is Mabel. I need to ask you a few questions about your home and your parents, and I want you to answer me as honestly as you can. Is that OK?”