“I was seeing her and then I stopped, because I realized something. She’s my mate.”

“Your what?!”

My parents leap to their feet and Mom drops her knitting and I think for a horrifying second they’re about to lose it. Instead they both snatch for the phone and their faces fill the screen until Mom takes hold of Dad’s horn and shoves him out of the way.

“Jarra! I’m so happy for you. I wondered when you were going to find her. You’ve needed her for a very long time.”

I gape at my phone. “Then, you’re not upset... about the whole sex worker thing?”

Mom purses her lips. “It’s not up to us to tell you how to live your life. But I know one thing. We gave you a roadmap your whole life, but you’ve never had a compass.”

Dad frowns at her. “Huh?”

“Oh, hush up.” She turns back to the camera. “Now you listen to me. You make this work. You get one chance. So, you do whatever it takes.”

I grin, even as another two messages from Stuart pop up and disappear. I give Mom an exaggerated mock salute. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good boy. And don’t leave it so long before you call us next time.”

I nod. “I won’t. I promise. I’m going to bring her home to meet you, OK?”

Mom beams. “Too right.”

“Oh, and she has kids. Two!”

Mom’s face lights up. “I’m a grandma?”

Dad coughs like he’s about to choke.

“Yeah. You’ll love them. Two little rascals. But that’s nothing you can’t handle, I know.”

I give her a wink and she gives me a pretend scowl. We say our goodbyes while Dad is still recovering and I end the call to deal with the fallout from whatever has happened.

It’s not good.