
I’m already in the car driving to Mel’s place when Stuart calls. I know something’s up from the way he’s all formal.

“Sir, I wondered if you had a moment to discuss something significant.”

I sigh. “Yeah, but make it quick, Stuart. I’m trying to fit in time to see Mel before my three o’clock.”

“Ah, that’s just it, Mr. Tarvost. I don’t think that’s a good idea. At least not until I’ve fully vetted her background. What do you know about the father of her children?”

I stifle a growl. “I know he’s a dick and she’s better off without him.”

Stuart coughs. “Yes, well let’s consider for a moment that if that’s true, we might be better off without the connection, at least until after the election.”

I roll my eyes, slowing the car to take a right hand turn. “I can’t really see how him being a dick could have any impact on me seeing Mel. It’s a good thing, right? Their relationship is over. There’s a firm line under it. I’m not going to be seen as anything but the good guy here.”

Stuart is quiet for a moment. I glance at my phone to check he’s still there, but the call is still active. “Well, bad guys have a way of slinging mud at good guys. And as we all know, mud sticks. If there’s any chance he still wants to be on the scene, you being such a public figure will be too tempting for him to resist.”

I scoff. “I don’t even think he wanted to be on the scene when they were together.”

I conveniently don’t mention the other night when he turned up at her place uninvited and unwanted. No need to get Stuart’s panties in a twist; Mel is sorting that. “In fact, she’s filed for full custody.”

Stuart makes a choking noise. “There’s an active custody battle? Jarradek, please, please reconsider.”

I frown. “Stuart, I promise I’ll be careful, but if I have to wait weeks before I see Mel again, then I’m going to lose it. If I’m continuing with the campaign, then this—she—is what I need.”

I hang up before I can really growl at him. He doesn’t deserve that. He’s just doing his job. The thought of putting this on hold or losing Mel or giving up on her is not one I can entertain right now. My whole damn day is planned out for me and I’m snatching time to spend with her.

I pull up outside the block of apartments and take my first look at where she lives. I try, I really try to see the positives. It looks safe. It’s well built. It’s sturdy. But it’s fucking depressing. And boy, don't I feel like a prick for even thinking it?

I have to stoop and twist my head to the side to get through the door for fear of catching my horns as I go. I make the climb up the three stories and knock on her door. I forget all about my criticisms of the apartment complex and all my frustrations with Stuart when she opens it and smiles at me.

Her hair is gathered in a tie at the top of her head and wispy strands trail down to tease at her ears and neck. My eyes trace the curve down to where the light tan of her skin disappears beneath the plain gray T-shirt she wears and I’m about to lean in and run my nose and lips across the same path when two piercing shrieks from behind Mel make me wince.

“Jarra!” A tiny weight hits my thigh with the force of a charging bull and another hits the other leg seconds later. I look down to see Damian and Elsa beaming up at me.

Mel laughs. “Hi. Damian, Elsa, let’s at least let Jarra in the door before you start climbing on him.”

I stoop down until they can each take hold of one of my horns, then I stand up tall, lifting them into the air to renewed squeals. “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m very climb-able.” I give her a wink as she steps aside to let us pass and am rewarded with a roll of her eyes and a smile she can’t hold back though I see her try.