I snort. “Hobbies? I’m a single mom. That’s my hobby.”

He gives me a polite chuckle and then there’s a pause. My stomach twists.

“Do you have active social media accounts?”

“Yeah, I guess—”

“Fine. I’ll need a list of those, and you’ll need to make sure you post only the supplied images and copy for the next two weeks.”

“Sure.” I hate this more and more, but Jarra is worth it. It’s only a couple weeks.

“Finally, is there anything you can think of in your background or personal life that could have an impact in creating a negative image of Mr Tarvost?”

“Um, no?” Apart from the fact that a week ago he was paying me to whip him with a riding crop and tell him whether or not he could come...

“Thank you very much, Ms. Karas. If you wouldn’t mind, there are some signatures required on the documents I sent that I’ll need returned today. And if you do think of anything else, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. It’s always best if we’re prepared. I’m sure you understand.”

I don’t really. I find it hard to believe anyone will care about me one way or the other, but I thank him and hang up. Opening my email, I pull up the documents he mentioned. They’re so long. The kids are still screaming at each other.

I stuff my phone into my pocket and hurry back into the living room to find them both pulling on one end of the remote while the TV flicks between channels.

“That’s enough!”

They turn guiltily, their noise subsiding at my snappy tone.

I take a breath. “Listen. Either you can agree on something to watch, or we all watch nothing. Got it?”

Damian’s lip wobbles. To Elsa’s credit, she gives a long suffering sigh and folds her arms across her chest, letting Damian have the remote. “Fine. We can watch Finding Nemo. But then after that, I get to choose.”

I give her a smile. “I actually think that’s a great compromise. What do you think, Damian?”

“We can watch Nemo! Yay!” He plonks himself down in the middle of the floor and switches the TV to the streaming channel. I try not to think about the fact that my three year old knows how to work the TV remote and help him switch on the movie.

Once peace settles in the living room and I’ve picked up most of the toys and put them away, I go to the kitchen to see what food we have in the house. I’m dreading going to the shop because the kids have settled in. Getting them dressed and ready will involve a lengthy argument. My phone buzzes.

It feels odd getting an SMS from Jarra, instead of a message through the Monstrous Deal app. I smile.

Jarra: I’d like to drop by and see you on my way to the function I have this afternoon. Is there anything I can bring you?

Mel: LOL can I send you a shopping list?

Jarra: of course, My Lady *winky face* it would b my pleasure

I grin and press the phone to my chest for a moment. Why is he so damned perfect?

Then, before I can let myself feel guilty, I type my shopping list and send it to him.

Another message pops up pretty soon after.

Jarra: NGL I’m going to get my housekeeper to do your shopping bc I’m short on time today, but I will have that all to you by this afternoon. Now, can I come see u? What’s your address?

I don’t even hesitate. The place is still a mess and it’ll probably look worse by the time he gets here, but suddenly I can’t wait to see him either. If he can’t handle my house and my mess, then there really is no chance for us. Might as well know now from the start.

Then I remember the documents. I quickly open and sign without truly reading. I’m sure everything is fine. I trust Jarra and if this is important to him, it’s easily done. I send them off to Stuart and spend the rest of the time before Jarra arrives madly cleaning the house I said to myself I wasn’t going to worry about.