“Two minutes ago you were bored and didn’t want to stay.”

“That was before Jarra turned up. I want to go back and talk to him.”

I navigate Damian around a pile of dog turd, while he cranes his neck, still trying to see Jarradek despite the fact that we’re almost out of the park and Jarra has no doubt gone back to work.

“Honey, Jarra is busy. He doesn’t have time to hang around with us all afternoon.”

“Why not? He said he wanted to. I thought he was your friend.”

I tug at my scarf, suddenly feeling a little hot around the neck. “Ah, yes. He is, but it’s complicated. He’s really more of a work friend.”

Elsa gives me a funny look. “But he’s going to be mayor. How can he work with you if he’s going to be mayor?”

Sometimes kids are too damn smart for their own good. “I’ll explain it when you’re older.”And when hell freezes over.

I’m rushing. I don’t dare look back or I know my whole face will turn bright red and the kids will know something’s up. The further we get from him, the more embarrassed I feel by the encounter. I don’t know where the lines are with this escort thing, but I’m sure he doesn’t want my kids nagging him to buy them ice cream. And he doesn’t need me fawning over him.

I don’t even really pay attention to the pile of leaves. But the next moment Elsa slips and her knee hits the pavement. She lets out a long wail. Damian breaks free from my grip.

I turn to check on Elsa and my heart breaks seeing her little face crumpled up as if she’s shed about five years. She’s almost past the age of crying like this, but every now and then I’m reminded of the little baby who used to fit in my lap and look up at me like this when I couldn’t figure out why she was crying.

One minute I’m cuddling her close, the next I’m looking around, frantically searching for Damian and he’s gone.

I struggle to my feet. Elsa is so much heavier in my arms than I anticipated. “Damian!”

Elsa sniffles, but stands when I put her down. “Damian! Where are you?”

A man walks past with a little white dog that yaps at us. A dragon with a pram is strolling the other way, and a little boy bounces by in a jacket almost the same color as Damian’s. I think for a moment it is him, but then I look more closely.

Shit. He’s gone. How did I lose my son? How can I have full custody when I can’t even keep them both safe with me at the park? Sound rushes in my ears like the roar of waves and Elsa hurries after me as I search frantically through the park. I pick her up and put her on my back when she starts to whine that she’s tired and her knee still hurts.

I still can’t see him anywhere, though we go back to the playground and to the ice cream stall, and everywhere I can think. The sky is blanketed with dark gray clouds by the time we give up and sit on a park bench. The sort of clouds that threaten rain any moment.

I’ve been so distracted, I didn’t even notice the five messages on my phone. When I pull it out ready to call the police, I see them.

Jarradek has sent me five messages on the Monstrous Deals app. If it was only one or two, I’d ignore them. Wait until later. Something about the number of them makes me wonder...

Bullistic: Damian is with me

I let out a little cry and Elsa looks up at me.

Bullistic: Mel? Please answer. I really need your number

“Oh, Jarra has Damian. He’s OK.” I’m so relieved my hands are still shaking and I don’t know whether I want to laugh or cry.

Bullistic: I’m taking him back to the playground

Bullistic: he says he needs the toilet. Fuck! What do I do?

Bullistic: we’re at mine. Get a taxi and I’ll pay. I promise he’s fine. Also, apparently it was a false alarm. How the fuck do you do this? You must have nerves of steel!

Shaking my head, I take Elsa’s hand. “They’re at his apartment. So I guess Damian got what he wanted after all.”

Elsa grins. “Yay! We’re going swimming.”

I laugh because I can’t help myself, but I try to make my expression stern again quickly. “We are not going swimming. It’s freezing. We are going to get Damian, and then we’re going back to Aunt Kalli’s house and never leaving again!”