I shake my head. “I didn’t know I had to.”

“That’s no problem. I can arrange that. It’s best to do that first. You might find that’s all it takes to get him to pay. However, sometimes there are extraneous factors. Has he recently lost his job or found a new partner?”

I shrug. “I really don’t know. We don’t speak anymore. Not civilly anyway.”

He nods again. “And if he pays child support, do you still wish to proceed with filing for full custody?”

I twist the strap of my handbag hard against my fingers until I feel the pinch. “Yes. I do.” It feels like it deserves some explanation. But Mr. Romilan’s expression doesn’t change.

“Then we’ll need to gather some further evidence. Have you got any reason to believe the children might be at risk if they stay with him?”

I hesitate.

Mr. Romilan waits for a while but, eventually, he gently goes on. “Perhaps unsafe living arrangements? Not enough food?”

I shake my head. “He always seems to have enough money when they visit. Not that he actually has them often. I think it’s been almost a year. It’s not that.”

“Then what is it? Has he ever hurt them, or you?”

I shake my head. “Never physically. Once I thought he might, but it never came to that. He only likes to control things.” I sigh. “This is silly. He’s their father. Of course, he needs to be in charge.”

Mr. Romilan stops me with a light touch to my arm. “Ms. Karas. It’s important that I know everything. When you say controlling, was there ever verbal abuse? Did he withhold things from you and the children? Affection? Money?”

I nod. “Money. He was always in control of the money. He used to have everything in his name.”

He makes a note on his computer and turns back to me. “And did he track your whereabouts and who you spoke to?”


“And since you left the relationship, has he ever tried to exert control? Or done things which made you uncomfortable or afraid?”

I nod. I tell him about James showing up at my apartment, about the two or three times he’s tried to get access to my bank details, and the time he turned up at my work. The more I recount, the more I feel sure this was the right move. It’s crazy I let these things pile up like this without doing anything about it. Never saying them aloud like this, never listing them, I suppose I never saw how bad they are.

Mr. Romilan gives me a grim smile. “If nothing else, Ms, Karas. I think we can make a solid case here. I’ll send you an email with a list of documents you may be able to provide to support the case. In the meantime, do not try to contact him, and make a note of any contact he makes with you or the children.”

“Thank you.”

I shake his hand and step out of the office with a straight back and a lighter heart than I had half an hour ago. It might not be easy, but at least this feels like the right thing to do. Starting the process feels like I’ve already got one monkey off my back.

Now, if I could just sort out what the hell I’m going to do about Jarradek.

My mind turns to him as I ride the train home. The way our last booking worked out hadn’t been the direction I was planning on taking things. I hadn’t intended to let him come at all. I was too mad about that stupid article.

I’m still not sure whether to believe him about not seeing anyone else. I got carried away with his sweet words and his passion in the heat of the moment, but looking back afterwards, it seems strange he didn’t say anything when I held him. I guess I was expecting... I don’t know... not a declaration of love, but something. Feelings. Maybe this is another case of me falling too fast for a guy I can’t have.

The only thing I can be proud of is the fact I didn’t go gushing about my feelings. I somehow held back. At least I can retain a little dignity on that front. I’m certainly not about to admit to the playboy politician who’s paying me as his escort I’ve somehow caught feelings. Not unless he says it first.