
Mel gives me a long look as she gently shuts the passenger door. I have to stop myself leaping out of the car to haul her back, strap her in, and drive off with her. Her kids are already running up the path to the front door of the townhouse where Mel tells me her sister lives with her boyfriend.

Frankly, I'm surprised. I got the impression Mel was struggling. Not that she would ever let on. This neighborhood is not the kind of neighborhood where I expected her sister to live. This has upmarket conservative voters who expect monsters to be hiding under their bed, not running for mayor.

Why isn’t her sister helping her more?

I know the answer, of course. Mel won’t let her. Mel’s too proud to let anyone give her charity. I’m honestly surprised she let me help as much as she did today.

It makes a little place below my sternum ache just thinking about it. She’s not even out of my sight when I bring up my phone and type into the MD app.

Bullistic: my place will feel lonely without you now

She pauses at the door, fishes her phone out of her bag, then looks back at me with a scowl I know is fake. The last thing I see is a curvy blonde answering the door. They all enter. Mel glances back at me one more time. Her expression is unreadable.

A few moments later she answers my message.

Mel: you’re full of shit. You’ll like it much better now you have some peace and quiet!

I grin. I’ve got mountains of work from today to catch up on, but I already know I’m about to spend far too much of the rest of my day chatting with her. It feels like one of those stone walls somehow crumbled, and I’m about to do my damnedest to bring the rest down.

Not sure what the hell I’m going to do once they’re down, but I know I need them down.

I’m replying even as I pull out of the street and turn back toward the motorway.

Bullistic: I won’t. I’ll prove it

I smile to myself as I drive home. My mind is still on the faint smell of her that clings to my nose and, when I step inside, the scent lingers in the apartment itself. I snap a quick picture of the empty apartment and send it.

Bullistic: see? Lonely *sad face*

A reply pops up an instant later.

Mel: *eye rolling emoji*

I chuckle. I sit down with my laptop and pretend to answer some emails, but I’m distracted. I keep catching a whiff of her on my skin and fuck does she smell good. Her perfume grows more fragrant as the afternoon wears on. Soon, I’m sinking back on my sofa chair with a growing cock, remembering how soft and wet she was when my face was buried between her thighs.