He stands and effortlessly lifts me onto the bed and gently lays me down. His voice is husky when he says, “May I?” He jerks his head to indicate my pajama pants.

“Yes.” I do my best to keep my voice firm, but I’m certain it’s breathy with need. He slides my pants and underwear over my hips in a single motion while I lift to allow him access.

Then he lets out a long, shaky breath over my mound as I part my legs. “My goddess, you are so beautiful here.” His thumb drifts up my inner thigh and over the outer lips of my labia as if he hardly dares to touch me.

When I don’t stop him, he repeats the motion. Warm, smooth pleasure glides with his touch, up my leg and into my core.

Jarradek fingers me tenderly, parting my inner lips to gather moisture from my cunt and spread it over me until I’m aching. Normally, I’d appreciate his gentle touch, his reverent care. Today, I’m starved for something to bring me over the edge immediately, to erase my thoughts and take my mind elsewhere.

Sitting, I grab his horn and force his head between my legs.

He groans when his mouth meets my wet pussy and for a moment that true, mindless bliss is all I feel. Then his long, thick tongue goes to work and I’m bucking and shuddering with the intensity. It’s like nothing a human man could ever achieve. His tongue is everywhere, parting my vulva, spearing into me and bringing me more fullness and satisfaction than a human cock.

Jarradek reaches further inside my channel, curls his tongue and presses it against my inner walls. I cry out. My hands grab tight to the firm, bony surface of his horns. I press his mouth close. Then I’m tumbling along the rapids, through white waters of pleasure that suck me under and spin me around and spit me back out the other side into a torrent of feeling.

When I emerge gasping, I pull his head down to rest on my belly for a moment while I catch my breath. Then, I brush his hair back from his face. “Well done, gorgeous. Now what do you need? Do you need to come?”

Jarradek lifts his heavy head, big brown eyes seemingly solemn. “No, My Lady. That was for you. Only for you. That’s all I need.”

I search his face, wondering for a long time if he’s telling the truth, or if he’s just telling me what he thinks I want to hear. I don’t know. I don’t know which one makes me more uncomfortable.

I can’t dwell on it now, though. I should get up and check on the kids. With a sigh, I roll over and put my legs on the floor.

Jarradek anticipates me. “I’ll go. Take a shower first. Relax. I’ll bring something you can change into.”

I shouldn’t, but I accept one more offering from him, though I’m already feeling guilty about everything he’s done for me. What kind of domme am I when I can’t accept his devotion and believe I deserve it?

A fake one, that’s what kind. It’s never been more clear to me than now. I’ve never wanted to conceal it so badly. I don’t want him to know I’m a fraud. That he’s been spending his money and giving his trust to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

So I promise myself to work harder, so I do. Just like I do whenever I shout at the kids or do a rushed job on a clean instead of giving it my best. I promise myself I’ll do better next time and work hard to be that person.

When I force myself out of the enormous rainforest shower and dry myself with a towel that feels more like a blanket, I pull the shirt Jarradek left me over my head and roll up the sleeves. It smells of him. Of his spicy cologne and the rich, masculine scent I will now forever associate with luxurious daytime sleep and plush comfort.

I pad down the stairs barefoot and find my two children sprawled out on the biggest armchair I’ve ever seen. The thing is the size of two couches with about a hundred cushions scattered on top. They’re both laying, arms up, snoring softly in the sweet pose from their toddler days. Poor babies. They’re exhausted. We all were.

I walk over to where Jarradek sits frowning down at his phone. As soon as he notices me, he sets it aside. As I draw near, he spreads his knees wider and I step between them into an intimate embrace I wasn’t expecting. He lays his head on my chest and even though his horn digs into my side, I don’t move him. It feels too nice. I stroke my hand through his hair. “Thank you for today. For everything. I’m going to wake them and we’ll go to my sister’s.”

“Not home?” He doesn’t ask the real question. He doesn’t have to.

I sigh. “Not home. Not yet. Their dad—” I break off when Elsa begins to stir. Much as I might loathe James, he’s still their dad. I try to avoid talking about it in front of them.

Jarradek nods as if he understands, but how could he? His life is Vogue magazine perfect.

“Will you let me take you there?”

I pull myself away from his inviting arms as Elsa sits.

“I’m hungry,” my daughter says.

Jarradek laughs and it eases the tension from my chest.

“Will you let me feed your little rays of sunshine again, then take you there?”

I look up at him as he smiles and something passes between us.

Finally, I nod. “I’d like that.”