Maybe it’s the fact that she didn’t have to be booted. Maybe that’s it. The fact that no matter how lovely she is and how good the play is, she’s always holding back. It’s not just that she’s a sex worker. I’ve hired sex workers before and, despite the money, I’ve never felt this much of a barrier. Perhaps it’s the domme thing.

Maurice was right. It’s amazing.

My breath blows out even hotter when I remember her telling me I did well. That I pleased her. I want more of that.

I should be trying to get people’s attention. We’re down here handing out coffee on the off chance some of these fitness wankers will have the time of day for us, but it’s not working. They’re all in their own world.

After a quick word to my assistant, I step away from the booth and pull out my phone. I don’t actually have a call to make. I want to check the Monstrous Deals app for the millionth time this morning and see if Mel has returned my message yet.

I wander off between the cars in the lot, furtively opening the app and checking to see that no one is looking.

Moments later, I scowl down at my phone.

Still nothing.

I’m about to go back, when something in the car beside me catches my eye. A movement.

I peer in through the smeared and fogged up glass of the beat up old Ford, and a little human face pops up. I curse and nearly drop my phone. Another tiny human face appears, wiping at the fogged up glass to press her nose against it and peer out at me.

Are these children alone? Where are their parents?

I lean down to get a better look and let out a snort of astonishment.

In the front seat of the car, a human woman sleeps, her head tucked on her arm and her feet curled up on the seat. Even scrunched up like that, with her blonde hair mussed and her striking blue eyes closed, I’d recognize Lady Mel anywhere. Her image is seared onto my conciousness. These two rugrats must be the kids she told me about.

What the hell are they doing here at this time of the morning? She must be exhausted to have fallen asleep like this here. A very black cloud gathers at the back of my mind where my imagination conjures up reasons why they would be here.

It doesn’t matter. My campaign doesn’t matter. Nothing does until I know she’s safe. In that moment, a world-shattering realization crystalizes in my mind. I’m distracted, obsessed, possessed. It’s not the leaving thing. It’s not the domme thing. It’s her. She’s mine! There’s absolutely no fucking way I’m leaving her and her kids here. That’s for damn sure.

About to tap on the window, I hesitate. I don’t want to alarm her. How will she feel if I see her like this? I’m anxious about her reaction, but not enough to keep me from doing something.

She saves me the problem of waking her by stirring. Brushing her hair away from her face and sitting up, she turns to look around at her two children. They’re still blinking through the glass at me, two button noses pushed up into a snub-faced expression against the window.

“Elsa, Damian, what are you—oh!” She catches sight of me and starts, clutching at her chest. Then her eyes narrow. “Jarradek?”

I nod.

She rubs at her eyes. “What are you—” She breaks off to wind down the window a crack. I note that it’s a manual wind-down window. How old is this trash box anyway? “What are you doing here?”

I snort. “I was wondering the same thing. Damn cold morning for campaigning. And now I see I was meant to be here, so I could come to your assistance.”

Her mouth falls open. Her two children look back and forth between us, gazes speculative.

“Don’t be ridiculous. We were just leaving.”

“Mom! You promised if we were good, we could play on the swings when the sun was up, and it’s up.” The blonde-haired girl looks indignant.

Mel runs a hand through her hair. “And now I’ve changed my mind. How about we go get hotcakes for breakfast instead?”

A cheer comes from the back seat and Mel gives me a triumphant look. “Nice running into you.” She reaches for the key in the ignition and turns it.

There’s half a second pause where the car’s engine chugs very slowly. Then it stops altogether. Mel turns the key again. Nothing.

Then the most unexpected thing happens. Her face crumples and she bursts into tears. My heart is wrenched forcefully out of my chest, while I stand there not knowing what the fuck to do.


Stretching up to my full height, I glance behind at Stuart, my public relations manager. “Stuart! Get my car!”