“Ooooh, Mommy, these are beautiful.” Elsa pokes her head around my hip as I collect them.

“Well, be careful. These have thorns. You can put them in your room if you like, though.”

I don’t like them enough to keep them in the living room. Besides, Damian will probably pull them over and spill the water everywhere and spike himself.

“Really? Where did they come from?”

I smile. “From a friend.”

“Don’t you want them?”

I shrug. “It’s complicated, sweetie. Let’s find a vase, huh?”

I usher Elsa into kitchen and we find a vase. It’s not really big enough. Jarradek is nothing if not ostentatious. The roses are huge and they do smell good, but roses would never be my choice. Flowers wouldn’t really be my choice at all. If I wanted flowers, I’d choose lilies. Their elaborate, fragrant petals are far more beautiful.

Setting the vase on the bookshelf above Elsa’s bed, I message Jarradek.

Mel: you’ll have to do better than roses if you want another booking

Bullistic: How can I, when you won’t tell me what will please you?

I don’t answer. Again, I hope I’m making the right choice.

An hour later, I get another message.

Bullistic: what size are you?

Mel: not the right track at all!

Bullistic: then I can’t buy you lingerie?

Mel: focus on pleasing me not you.

A few hours later, while I’m on my knees, scrubbing the bathroom of the five bedroom house up the road, my phone buzzes and I surreptitiously check.

I almost close it again instantly when I see the picture he’s sent me. A dick pic? Really? Then I notice the large words scrawled in black above the tight black briefs hugging a frankly impressive package. ‘Property of Lady Mel’

I squeeze my thighs together before I even realize I’ve done it. Then I freak out a little. He hasn’t had it tattooed?! No. Of course he hasn’t. It would be red and raw looking if it was a tattoo.

I hastily type a message.

Mel: warn me next time before you send a picture like that. I’m at work...

Mel:... well done. That’s very pleasing. I wonder how long it takes to wash off, though

I grin to myself. What I really mean is how long before he washes it off and fucks someone easier. Not that I care. This is only work after all.

His message back is instant.

Bullistic: It stays for as long as it pleases My Lady

Oh boy. Now I’m really conscious of the flutter low in my belly and the tingle in my fingers. He course corrected far better than I thought he would. And now I have no choice but to accept the booking request he sends through moments later. Wednesday night. Two nights away. Not much time to get a babysitter.

In the end, I settle on taking the kids to Kalli and Rin’s place for a sleepover. I feel less bad that way for inconveniencing her. It will mean I have to get up an hour earlier to get there and get the kids to school on Thursday, but it’s worth it. I already feel guilty for how much I’m asking for favors.