Page 5 of A Man On A Mission

Amber made a sound in the back of her throat, and I couldn’t help the surge of need that ran through me. I’d never heard that sound before. It was like music to my ears, and I was unfocused. She was ready for more and my hand went to the soft swell of her breast. I touched her tentatively, while my hips buried her underneath me. I was raging hard, the energy from the cold-water dip was kicking in, the many sleepless nights I had stayed up thinking about her. All of it culminated in that moment.

“Hey there!”

I heard the voice, and it was male. I don’t know who it was, didn’t care, but Amber jerked under me, and I could see that she was trying to scramble up. I was on top of her, not much was going to happen if I didn’t want it to. Whoever it was could piss off. We needed some time alone.

That wasn’t going to happen though. The voice was from a Coast Guard boat, and I figured that I was going to have to get off her. I didn’t want to, stared down at her for a second before cursing under my breath and getting up. Damn it. She was so damn ripe for the taking. Whoever this guy was, he needed to go.

Amber pushed me off though and she stood up, pushing her hair back. “Morning, officer. Was there a problem?”

She straightened up too fast and why did she sound strange? The officer knew her, and if I didn’t know any better, I would say that the two of them were on friendly terms. How much I hated the damn Coast Guard, and I didn’t like the look that he was giving Amber. He didn’t know it yet, but she was mine, and I wasn’t about to share her, not even for a second.

“Good to see you, Amber. I thought that was you.” The man looked to me, like I was going to say anything about who I was or why I was here. I wasn’t. It was none of his damn business, and why did he know Amber’s first name? I didn’t like this guy at all.

“Yeah, we were just um…” She was flustered, her face was red, and I finally put an arm around her and asked him pointedly what it was that he needed. My arm was around her waist, I’d pulled her in tight, and I wanted to make sure that there was no mistake what was going on between us. He saw where I touched her to me, and he pressed his lips together. The guy was mad, whoever he was. Amber didn’t seem to notice. She was trying to get something out.

“We are just enjoying the weather. Is there anything you need?” I wanted him to spit it out or get on. I wasn’t sure why I felt so defensive with him, but I wanted him to get away from her right now. I was feeling aggressive and if he kept pushing, I was going to see whose training was better.

Amber gave me a look. She had picked up on how I felt, but I knew that she wasn’t going to say much else. She was embarrassed. This guy meant something to her, and I couldn’t help but wonder who he was. She had certainly not written about him in her letters. I would have remembered. I know that I would have.

“Sorry, we just didn’t think anyone was out this way. Did you need something, Gary?” Her voice was meant to smooth it all over, being conciliatory. The Coast Guard shook his head after a moment and gave me another dirty look. He could just keep on doing that, while I pulled her in closer. He didn’t have a chance and he was better off realizing that from the get-go. If I could have claimed her another way, I would have. Amber wasn’t mine yet though, so I knew I had to cool it. She didn’t seem to take too kindly to me acting this way.

Gary left not too long after he stopped and when he was out of ear shot, she told me that I was being unnecessary. I will admit to myself that I probably should have let it go, but screw that. I didn’t know who Gary was, she never wrote about him, but Amber was mine. After all this time, all these years, I wasn’t going to let some guy in a blue uniform come up on his boat and take her away.

It was weird between us on the way back to the marina. I wasn’t ready to go, even offered to go dip into that cold ass water with her again, but Amber wasn’t having it. We were almost back on the dock; she hadn’t said a word to me, and I finally asked her what she was so mad about.

“You were a jerk to Gary.”

“Who is Gary?” I wanted to know, ignoring her initial complaint. I was trying to get her to understand that I wasn’t supposed to be nice to Gary. He was nobody.

“Sorry, I guess I am not as nice as you want me to be. I am not used to the civilian way and all the niceties.”

She scoffed and told me that I knew how to not be a jerk. She was right, of course, but she could have at least given me the benefit of the doubt. She wasn’t going for it though, not in the least bit. Whatever was going on between us, I had to slow down before I ruined it all too soon.

“I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t like the way he looked at you. Have you two gone out?”

Amber seemed surprised with the question and assured me that she had never gone out with him. “He has never even asked,” she said. “We are just friends. I see him here at the lake and that’s it. He helped me back to the marina when my motor froze up and wouldn’t work. He’s nice. You didn’t have to be a jerk to him.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me,” I started. It was a lie. I knew what came over me. I didn’t like someone touching her and looking at her the way he was. It was just that simple and I didn’t feel bad about it at all. Not at all. He was trying to get into her panties and there was no way that I was going to stand by and say nothing.

I said none of that out loud. I’m not an idiot.

“It’s fine, but I’m not into a jealous boyfriend. I have had too many of those, and it’s not fair you show up and now I can’t talk to an old friend.”

I wanted to tell her that the guy wanted her in bed and how he wasn’t just this friend that she thought he was, but it was going to make it all worse. “I get it, I’m sorry. I’m not here to take over your life. I’m just here to see you, that’s it.”

Amber said it was fine and then she moved closer, so I took that as she wanted to kiss. When she didn’t fight me on it, I deepened the kiss and loved the way she sounded and felt when she leaned against me and whimpered. What a sound. It was a sound that I could get used to.



Frank apologized for acting like a jealous husband, but when we grabbed some lunch later when we got back to town, he was just as bad. There was a guy there that kept looking at me, the waiter was flirting, and he was ready to pop. I knew men that were like that, dated one, and I knew many from my friends and who they dated. I didn’t want a jealous guy. I think there was a little ego that was stroked to see a man get all worked up, but the novelty of it wore off very quickly.

By the time we got back to my place, I was not sure what to think. He was not at all like I had thought he would be. He was basically ready to fight anyone if that was what it took. I know that he had to fight, kill, all those things in the military. He’d told me before that he didn’t know how to be a civilian, and I believed him. He certainly didn’t know how to let a man compliment the woman he was with. Guys hit on me all the time. While I was pretty sure that was normal, I couldn’t be sure that Frank thought so. Frank acted like it was the end of the world.

“I think I’m going to lay down for a bit, Frank.” I was disappointed that the day hadn’t gone the way that I wanted it to. I wanted there to be something more between us, but maybe there wasn’t supposed to be. Maybe we were just supposed to be friends. I knew that I was feeling like it could have been something better, but I knew that there was nothing I could do now. It was what it was.

“Lay down? It’s the middle of the day. Are you not feeling good?”