Page 22 of A Man On A Mission

Tony, on the other hand, didn’t know Amber, hadn’t met her father and if he had done either one of those things, he would know without a doubt that she had nothing to do with it. There was just no way. It would go so far against everything that I knew to be right about her.

I needed to get out of the area and hopefully, away from Tony. He was too hopped up and that was when bad things happened. I had gone on many missions and the ones that worried me the most, were always the ones that were done with hyped up people. Tony was far worse than I remembered him being.

The car was almost on E when I got into it. I cursed, checked my pockets for some cash, scrounged around the car and didn’t find anything. I was not in the mood to go back in there with Tony, but I was going to have to. I had a wallet in there with him. I knew where it was and knew that I was going to have to go back.

When I got back, Tony was up, and he had a look that told me that he wasn’t going to let me just run off if I wanted to. It was a shame, I thought it was a good idea, but I would just wait until another opportunity presented itself. Maybe it was better this way. I would be able to keep an eye on him, if nothing else.

“Thought you had taken off.”

I scoffed and told him that I was just getting something to drink. I was thirsty and I held up the wallet I’d left behind. I didn’t know how I felt about it, but it was what it was.

“Good, I am getting thirsty too. Maybe I will go with you.”

I agreed that he should, and I waited for him to get himself together. I needed to get away from him, find Amber, and make sure that Tony was never given the right to interrogate Amber. I’d seen him in the past and she didn’t deserve anything like that.

We went to the gas station together. I grabbed a few bottles of sweet tea for the ride, knowing that this wasn’t going to end well. I could just feel it.

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re nervous?” Tony asked. “Is it about that little chick?”

I shook my head. “She has nothing to do with it, Tony. You’ll see.”

He sighed. “For your sake, I hope that’s true.”

I agreed. Me too. I would have never believed her capable, still didn’t really, but there was this wonder in the back of my mind. Could it be true?



Talking to Jeff didn’t really answer any questions that I had unfortunately. It was strange to think that I was involved in something like this. I had always wanted adventures, but I guess I would rather live vicariously through Frank and his letters when it came to that. Or Baron. Could I believe Jeff and was that his real name? I didn’t know how to feel about that, wondered why he hadn’t told me or why he had changed it to begin with. From what I heard was the reasoning, it didn’t seem like Jeff really had much of a reason. He was blaming Frank and his unit over something that happened to his, but they had nothing to do with it.

He brought me to a house and while I thought that it was nicer than the cabin, I knew that the purpose was the same. We were meant to hide out in there and while I suppose it wasn’t the end of the world, it didn’t feel like I was going to ever leave there. As they were walking me up into the house, all I could think was that this was the place that I was going to die. I can’t say that I liked that feeling all that much.

I didn’t get killed off right away. The interior was much nicer, it looked like a house that had been recently moved out of. There were still some things lying around, but it was like a move that had happened in a rush. I didn’t want to know what had happened here or how they procured the place.

While I was in the bedroom that would be my new place until they figured out what to do with me, I was able to overhear them talking about their plans and what was going on. It was the only time that I had heard anything close to a plan, so I hoped that I would be able to do something with it.

Frank was still AWOL and again, relief just swept through me. I hoped that I wasn’t in their clutches as well, but at least he wasn’t. Jeff didn’t want to kill me. I think he was toying with the idea at the moment, but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t. He would kill Frank as soon as he could. I worried that I would be used as bait, and I did overhear some talk of that. I wasn’t going to let that happen, even if I didn’t know how I was going to stop it from happening just yet.

Jeff left in a flurry, and I didn’t know who was left here, but it was someone. I went out to say hi and was told immediately by a tall, blonde man that looked a bit like Jeff, that I needed to get back in the room.

“I have to pee.”

The guy was huge, and he had zero sympathy in his eyes. He actually told me that he would bring me a bucket and to go back into the room. I wanted to push, see if I could get him to open up and chill out toward me, but that wasn’t going to happen. Was he warned about me, what I would try to do? Did Jeff know that I was going to try to escape? He should, I was going to try to get out of here as soon as I saw an opening to do so.

My idea to escape was crashing down because the guy outside, I didn’t know his name, but he was not the sort that wanted to chat. I wasn’t going to be able to talk him into anything and it was like he was afraid to hear anything that I had to say. That really killed any chance I had to get out of here with his help.

That meant that I had to figure out a way to get out of here that didn’t need his help. I thought it might be impossible, it sure felt like it right now, but I knew that I had to make it work, somehow. They were planning to do horrible things to Frank, especially when they realized that he had killed half of Jeff’s unit. All of what he was doing now was the death of one, I couldn’t imagine what he had in store for five more killings. I worried that I would be used to not only be bait, but just another form of punishment that they could do to Frank. I didn’t matter. Jeff was going to do anything in his power to get Frank back, no matter what it took and that was a scary scenario.

I went to sleep early that evening. I could hear the guy watching me pacing in the rest of the house, and I just took that as a sign. I would go to sleep now, get some shut eye and the man’s nerves would calm down, and I would be able to escape early in the morning when he was sleeping. It was a great plan as far as I could see, but then again, I had never been in such a situation. It didn’t feel like things were going to go the right way. I wanted to believe that they would, but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure of it.

* * *

Early morning camebefore I knew it. I woke up, it was dark out the window and before I moved an inch, I listened for a while. I didn’t know what I was listening for, but I knew that it was going to be the guy that I was listening for. I needed him to just sleep and let me leave. I didn’t know if that was going to happen or not, but I had hope.

Shocked that the door was unlocked, I made my way toward the bathroom. I really did have to pee, and it gave me time to check it out and have a reason to be out there if I was caught. I was told to just stay in the room, but it had been hours, and he couldn’t be mad at me for using the bathroom. This was what I told myself anyway. I guess they could have been mad at me just because if they wanted to.

No one came running at me when I was coming out of the bathroom. I waited for someone to jump me in the dark, but it didn’t happen. It made me hopeful. I wanted to believe that there was something more that I could do, that maybe I could get out of here. Then, I would be able to warn Frank about what was going on, who was after him. How would he ever know?