Page 20 of A Man On A Mission

“He is not going to be our problem much longer.”

My heart sank and the last thing that I wanted to hear was that. Frank was the man I loved, and I couldn’t imagine him dead. Then again, why wasn’t I dead? I didn’t understand any of it, why they had me, why they didn’t kill me on the spot. It didn’t make much sense.

“What about me, am I going to be a problem?” I was asking in a not-so-subtle way if he was going to kill me too and the man shrugged. He had taken off his mask, didn’t care if I saw his face apparently. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I didn’t expect the guy to look a lot like Frank. Not like they were brothers, but the haircut and his look were one of Frank and his unit. Why was that what stuck out to me, that this guy was hot too?

“No, I don’t think you are going to be a problem. You were the solution. I had been trying for years to find Frank and his unit. They changed their names, Frank’s name is actually Baron Chryler. I have looked for him and his friends for many years. Without your idea to save the soldiers with a letter, I don’t know if I would have ever flushed them out. I’ve tried in the past you know, so many times.”

I didn’t know what this guy was talking about. He wasn’t talking in circles, Jeff was just talking about things that I obviously didn’t know anything about. I wanted to tell him that he didn’t know what he was talking about, but it looked like it was me who was clueless. How could I have been the one to help him? I hated the idea of that so much and hoped that it wasn’t true. It just couldn’t be true. I wouldn’t let it.

“I was the solution?” I croaked out. We were in the back seat of a car that was being driven by someone else. The driver didn’t seem to care that I was kidnapped and that I wanted to get out of here. It was made clear to me that no one was on my side, and I wasn’t going anywhere. It was also made clear to me that I shouldn’t worry about Frank saving me, because I was the reason that they were able to kill him. The very thought destroyed me, and I hated myself for it, even though I hadn’t known what I was doing or what my letters would do. How was I supposed to know any of it? Jeff just laughed at me and any questions that I had were all done now. I couldn’t believe how worked up I was. I had to remember who this guy was. He wasn’t just some man that would be mad if I said something, Jeff very well could kill me.

“Because you are the solution, it has caused a little complication. I have really scorched the earth with this mission, no one living, but here you are. What do you think that means?”

I told him that I wasn’t sure, and he just waved his hand in the air like he had no clue either. I didn’t want to be a complication. I said something about him just letting me go and fixing everything, but Jeff wasn’t down with that answer.

“Just because I haven’t killed you yet, doesn’t mean that I won’t. It certainly doesn’t mean that I want to let you go. You are really not reading the room.”

I apologized, for what I don’t know. Frank was probably dead by now and I was stuck dealing with this guy. He was obviously unhinged and whether I wanted to make a difference or not, getting away from Jeff was my only concern right now. I had to appease him and make him happy, no matter what.

“I’m sorry, I guess I just couldn’t imagine you wanting to keep me for anything else. I figured that I would bore you.”

He nodded, happy that I was agreeing with him. The salacious smile that accompanied his happiness was not something that I liked. I just had a bad feeling all the way around. I could just feel how things were going to be until I got away from him, if I got away from him.

“What did he do to you anyways?”

Jeff really didn’t know what I was talking about. He really didn’t know that I was talking about Frank, the man he just sent a bunch of people to go kill, the reason I was in the back seat of this car with him at the moment. It was all because of Frank. How did he not know?

“Frank, what did he do to make you do this to him? To all of them?” I apparently didn’t care at the moment who he was or what he was capable of, because there was an edge to my voice that I couldn’t get rid of. I was aggravated that he had done all of this and didn’t even know who I was talking about. Did he really not care at all?

“Oh, the man that you were with?”

I agreed, trying hard to keep my temper in check. It would do me no good at all to get all worked up over it. I just wanted answers. I knew that I could never get them, but I really wanted to know what the reasoning was, if there was any. The guy talked about years that he searched for Frank or Baron, but why?

“Baron was lumped into the rest of his unit. I will admit that he wasn’t the main reason for my hate, he was there, and they all have to pay because of it. It should have just been Tony, but all of them were needed to make an example.”

“Are you in the military too?” I asked with caution. The way he carried himself, looked, talked, I would say he was military. So, then what happened? What did Frank’s unit do that was so bad that they were hated so much? Frank had told me lots of different missions he was on, so it could have been many. I didn’t prod anything else out of him, because part of me didn’t want to know. I was curious of it all, but that meant that I would know more, and since I already knew what he looked like, having more identifying information for him might not be the best idea. None of this felt like a good idea. I should have just shut my mouth. When had my mouth ever really gotten me out of a situation? Never like this.

“I am. I was in a 10-man unit just like Baron. Tony was the leader, that’s the name he goes by now, but his real name is Link. Have you ever met him? I am still looking for him. He was the commander, and he is a slippery little bastard.”

I nodded my head that I had never met him before. “I did meet Jesse, Frank’s roommate. He was a great guy.”

Jeff shrugged his big shoulders and said that it was just a casualty of it all. “It was all Link’s fault. He refused missions and we got the worst ones. Link could have changed everything, everyone else was there to follow orders. I like that Link will be last. He will get to watch all of his unit die. I didn’t lose all of mine, but two were enough.”

Again, I wanted to ask more questions, but I knew that not only did I not need to know, but he was very irate about it all. He was pissing himself off and it didn’t seem wise to make him more upset than he already was. I was just going to be happy with the few clues I had. If I ever did get out of here, I would do the best I could to make sure that I knew where to find him and who he was. I didn’t want Jeff to get away with this. If I was able to live, I wanted him to be the one that paid the price.

We drove for a time, and I finally asked where we were going. He had gotten a text or two and his mood changed rapidly. I wanted to know what was going on, but then he looked at me with a sneer and I wished that I hadn’t said a word.

“Baron is still alive. I am going to use you to get him to come to me. I bet you will be the perfect bait. Does he love you?”

I shrugged and said that he had never said that he loved me. He hadn’t either, so I doubt that it was true. I knew that I loved him, and I tried my best to push that feeling aside, but I did care more than I should. I knew that. There was nothing that I could do about it either.

“I think he does love you. I bet that I could put you on video chat and kill you right in front of him. I bet that would destroy him and he would find me and save me some time.”

I must have looked upset, shocked, who knows. He just smiled and then assured me that he wasn’t going to let that happen. “I can’t do that, you are the reason that I get to do anything at all. I wish you knew how much joy I got out of all of this. If it wasn’t for you and those damn letters, I swear I don’t think I would have ever found Baron.”

I knew that he was happy with me, and he said that with a smile on his face, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t unnerving in more ways than one. Maybe I was lucky that he wouldn’t kill me right off to make Frank unhappy and draw him out, but the ease at which he came to that plan told me that I had a lot more to worry about than I thought. Frank wasn’t even Frank. How was I ever going to work this all out? I was now in love with a man that I didn’t even know his name. It didn’t make me feel any better about that.

We sat in silence for a while. Jeff was on the phone and if I heard it right, several of his men had been killed and Frank was still out there. I didn’t think that anything would ever make me feel more relieved than I did right then. I knew that Frank was alive, somewhere. Baron. His name was Baron. If I did see him again, we were definitely going to have a talk about his name. I needed to know what his actual name was.