“Please don’t stop,” I gritted out between my teeth. Amber was not sure what to do, it was obvious, and I didn’t know how to help her. I just wanted her to put her hand back on me. All else be damned.
Amber moved closer, her hand around me, and she moved to kiss me. I couldn’t think right, but she was doing just fine with it. I forgot for a moment that she was innocent. I think it was hard for my mind to wrap around such a thing. It made no sense to me.
I pushed her back against the tiled wall and heard her moan as I sandwiched her between the hard surface and my own unrelenting body. The kiss was deepened, and my hard length pressed between her legs. It didn’t go where it could and should, but through her legs and against her heat. We both made sounds of pleasure and I thought that I knew how good she would feel. Turned out, I had no idea at all.
My hand slipped where I wanted to go, and I pressed up on the wetness that I knew was there. She was slippery, Amber moaned with the touch, and I was beside myself with desire. There was nothing I could do but want her right back and move my fingers faster. I just rubbed on her clit, and she came beautifully not even a minute later. Amber was ripe for the taking.
Hearing and feeling Amber orgasm, feeling her body tense up, did not give me relief, but it staved off the desperation that I felt. I still needed her, my body was bursting at the seams, but it didn’t matter. I was finally going to have her. It was finally going to happen, so all I could do was relax. Amber’s body was in my hands, she was recovering. We had all the time in the world.
Frank was the sort of man that didn’t give me time to think straight, before he was pushing for more, making me beg and I was lost in the shuffle. I didn’t know what to say to him, because I was sure that words would be inadequate, even though that was all we had for so long. It was funny how they weren’t enough suddenly.
He kissed me, while holding me higher up and sliding his hard length back between my legs. Getting off just made me wetter than before. How hard would it be to shift myself upwards just a little bit? I wanted him, desperately in that moment. Even though I knew that I had already orgasmed and felt damn good, another part of me understood it would be even better if we kept going. I wanted to keep going so badly.
“Please, Frank, I’ve waited so long for this.”
He looked at me surprised. “You never talked about this. How could you wait for something that I didn’t even know about?”
I shrugged and said that I just knew that if it was meant to be, it would happen. He scoffed and said that I had left too much to chance. “It’s a fluke that I got some time free, that’s the truth. What if we wouldn’t have met?”
Frank asked the question, while he put my arms around his neck and set me down on him. He pushed in deep and hard, and I called out. I was in pleasure, pain, an exquisite in between that I was never going to tire of. I clung to him and waited for a time when I could handle the penetration. I knew it would come, but it was not here, not yet.
Frank said my name under his breath, and he throbbed inside of me, going deeper as I fell the rest of the way down. What I thought was all of it, was just the tip I was soon to find out. The pain was gone, long gone, and I was left with this raw desire in me that only he could satisfy. I called out multiple times, sure that I was going to lose myself in the moment. I felt so good, too good. I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I clenched him and told him that I needed more. He surged deeper, his hands on my hips and I screamed out in surprise. Every time I thought that I had all of it, more came and now I was trying to figure out if I could handle it.
He held my hips with a hard grip, his fingers digging into my tender flesh. He was so deep, so big and hard, I couldn’t take it. I moaned and shook, came and pleaded, all in the same breath. I was overwhelmed and he must have known, because he started to kiss me, providing me an anchor to hold onto.
I let myself go at some point and didn’t even try to hold on. I leaned against the tile and let him have his way with me. Frank held me in place, perfectly making me feel all the things that I thought were just from stories. It was good to know that something could feel this good, the ups could be this high.
Coming down was even better, in his arms, then in my bed, together. I looked over at him and knew that I had everything that I needed and more. Frank took me slowly then, pulling me to new heights of pleasure and keeping me just one step from going over the edge for good. I wanted to hold him to give as good as I got, but he had me panting, begging and pleading for more, before I could ever take over anything. I played into his arms and took whatever he had to give.
Frank held me so softly when he was done. He kissed the top of my head like I was precious, and I felt it. I didn’t know what was supposed to happen with us, but I felt closer to him than I ever had before. I didn’t know who he was, so many secrets between us, but being with him opened me up to a type of world that I could only imagine.
“I think I love you, Amber. I think I have loved you for a long time.”
I agreed about love. I didn’t know when, but my feelings for Frank had been too much for a long time. We went together thinking about the connections. It was hard to pretend like this was ever going to be the same again. Whatever happened here, whatever I’d started, it was certain to change me forever. I already felt like a different person and when he pulled out and pulled me next to him, I knew that I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sometimes a person needed to change and grow. That’s what I’d done. I’d changed and grown. Frank had made that happen and I was feeling greedy, wanting even more.
There was no noise from beside me for a while and when I looked, Frank was watching me. I blushed and asked him what he was looking at.
“You, the most beautiful woman, and I already want you again.”
“So why are you just staring at me then?”
He said he was afraid that I was too sore, but I assured him that I wasn’t. I was likely, but he didn’t need to know that. It was already bad enough that I winced when he entered me. Frank went slow for a time, until we both remembered why we were going slow to begin with.
* * *
I wokeup with a start to Frank next to me. He was shouting the word “no” and it sounded like the saddest noise I could think of. Whatever was going on in his dream, it came across badly. He was shaking when I touched him gently, saying his name and that everything was okay. We’d never written about particular nightmares, but he’d told me some of his stories and I could see where they would come from. I wanted to be there for him and tell him that everything was okay. I didn’t know if it was or would be, but I liked to pretend like it could be.
He held me after a time, he was quiet, but I felt close to him. I didn’t know what to think of how he acted, what had happened, but I knew that I never felt as safe as I did in Frank’s arms. When he finally went back to sleep, he held me in such a way it felt like he was never going to let go. I didn’t know why, but Frank made me think that everything could work out, everything could be okay.
Frank was up and out of bed when I woke up later. I found him in the kitchen. He wasn’t making breakfast yet but sitting at the table with reflection on his face and coffee in his hands. I knew that he was a million miles away. His eyes were staring off in the distance. Whatever was on his mind, it was clear that I didn’t want to get in the middle of it.
“Are you okay, Frank?”
He turned to me, pulling himself from his moment of revere. I wondered what was on his mind, but he smiled and acted like nothing was wrong. When I asked him about his dream, he didn’t want to talk about it. “The military is full of guys like me. We’ve seen too much, Amber, that’s all it is. After you have seen enough bad stuff, it’s hard to sleep and focus. I have bad dreams all the time. You can’t worry yourself about it.”