Page 17 of A Man On A Mission

I stopped, realizing what I had said and that was only because of the look of devastation that took over her expression. I hadn’t told her about Jesse and the way that I told her was appalling. It was exactly what I hadn’t wanted to do to Amber. I didn’t want her to be in danger and since I’d promised her dad that very thing, it meant that there was no opening for failure. I couldn’t let anything happen to Amber. I wasn’t going to let anything happen, but the stakes were so much higher than before.

“I’m sorry, Amber. I wanted to tell you in a better way, but I guess there is no going back now. I came home and found Jesse shot. I don’t know who did it or how they found out who we were, but I am one of the members. You have been seen with me lately, and I worry that someone might come for you to get back at me.”

Amber didn’t look like she was taking it well. It was likely a lot to get used to. I wasn’t used to having people come in my apartment and shoot at my roommate. I never would have guessed that in a million years and I’ve done a whole lot of shooting myself. To see the situation through Amber’s eyes, I could imagine that it was so much scarier. I didn’t want to make her fear anything, but this might be one of those times.

“So, you said that there was nothing to worry about and that was a lie?”

I told her at the time I didn’t think all of that was going to be a problem, and I meant it too. I would have never guessed that it would take the turn it did, but I had to admit that there was danger and going back to relative safety might not be an option.

Amber asked me what we should do, and I told her what I thought would be the best bet. “I think we need to get out of here for a while and see where we can go to lay low for a while. I don’t want anything to happen to you, and I can’t say that it would be okay to stay here. I don’t know. I could just be making it into a bigger deal than it is, I really have no clue. I just know that I will never be able to forgive myself if something happens to you. That’s what I know.”

“Should I be worried?” Amber asked with wide eyes and worry. I wanted to lie to her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. Since so many men that killed for a living were being taken out, there was definitely some worry. I was one of those men that got paid to kill people. Bad people that our country wanted dead, but the end result was the same. I’d always known that what I did for my country might make me a target. Amber didn’t have that same awareness and she hadn’t agreed to it like I had. It wasn’t fair to her.

“Yes, Amber, you should be worried. I think you should come with me and get out of here for a while. I don’t know who is after my old crew, but we have made many enemies. The things we did weren’t that great and though we were following orders, there was a lot of stuff that we did. I regret some of it and there is no telling who is after us.”

“You really think that we need to leave?”

She had been the one worried in the beginning, but I guess the whole reality of it was different than anything that I could have tried to explain. She wasn’t aware of the sort of people that we have taken into custody before. Amber has no idea what I have done. She knows very little, tip of the iceberg really.

“When?” Amber finally asked when I had convinced her that we had to go.

“As soon as possible. Grab a bag, pack up a few things and we will see what happens. I have a few places that I think would be nice to go and see. We can think of it as a vacation. You came and showed me the sights and now I want to do the same for you. I want to show you my favorite places.”

Amber sighed and agreed that she would get some things together, “When I showed you around, Frank, there wasn’t someone trying to kill me.”

I agreed, but there was nothing else I could say to it. What happened, happened. I wish I could take back whatever I had done to make the ball start rolling in the way that it was, but I couldn’t. I just had to deal with what was left and keeping her safe was my main priority. I almost didn’t go to Amber, worried that she might be found with me and get hurt that way, but I couldn’t be sure that whoever was watching me and waiting to attack, wouldn’t attack her too. She’d already been in a car wreck with me. I didn’t want to think of anything else that she had to endure, so we were going to go away and find a safe place for us both.

“I need to call my parents and let them know that I am going to be gone a few days.”

I told her that it wasn’t a good idea. I was thinking about the fact that someone could be listening in on her phone. She gave me a dubious look when I suggested it, like I didn’t know what I was talking about.

“If I don’t tell my parents that I will be gone, they will worry. Trust me, you don’t want my dad worrying about me. He is a bit overprotective, and you don’t want to see him when he gets that way.”

She said it with a smile, but I was sure that she wasn’t joking at all. I could see how Charlie could be a bit uptight. I didn’t want him to know I had gotten his daughter in trouble. I asked Amber if we could skip that call and she agreed, but I think we both knew that it was a ticking time bomb. I would be the first to admit it, Charlie was intimidating. He was a good guy and we got along, but I was under no false assumption that he wouldn’t hate me and try to screw my head off if anything happened to his daughter.

“We will tell him if we are gone more than a few days. The military and the cops are looking, so we should be back home and back to normal in no time.”

Amber nodded, but I don’t think either one of us believed what I was saying. I know that I didn’t. So help me though, I wanted to postpone the unpleasantness of explaining ourselves to Charlie. Anything had to be better than that.



Going on the run was not something that I thought I would ever have to do. I didn’t live in a world where running off in the night was ever an option, but now I did. Frank had brought so many things to me, new experiences, and fear of the unknown murderer was one of them. He wouldn’t talk about the specifics, but he said that his crew, the specific one that was being targeted, had done a lot of horrible things in the name of keeping the country safe. I didn’t want to know the particulars, I wasn’t stupid, but I was starting to see how worried I should be.

It was quite strange to see him after we had been apart for so long. Then, he’d came back out of the blue, made love to me, met my parents, and now we were running off together. I had no idea where we were going, and it was all moving at a pace that I couldn’t handle. Frank was calm, but I was asking a million questions and trying my best not to get all worked up. I didn’t think it was going to do me any good. He just finally said that it was better if I didn’t know everything, and we would be on our way soon. He said the situation was fluid and as soon as he had an idea where we would be stopping for a while, he would let me know.

“So, basically, you have no idea?” I asked him.

He grinned. “See, I guess you do understand what I am saying. I have no idea where we are going, baby. I didn’t think I would have to run off with you.”

“You knew that this was happening though. What other option would there be?”

“You could go with your parents. I think that your father would keep you safe. I would trust him to make sure nothing happened to you, but I don’t think I would want you to be with anyone else. I don’t trust anyone else to keep you safe. Do you want me to take you to your parents’?”

I told him that I didn’t want that, and I meant it. I know that my dad was someone that wouldn’t let a shooter get to me, he was trained up like the rest of them, but so was Frank. I missed Frank, had thought about him nonstop since he’d left, and spending time with him sounded too good to pass up. I didn’t know what was going to happen with us, but I trusted him, and I missed him.

“I would rather stay with you, Frank. I feel safe with you.”