Mydadwasupto something, and I didn't know how to approach it without setting him off or getting Maddox involved. He became shady as fuck, and when I caught him talking to random people around town, in the park, or near the shop, I knew something was up. But my suspicions really rose when I spied him chatting with Gary. Gary was the park manager, and I had no idea what business my dad would have with him, but I didn’t like it.
On top of worrying about my dad, I had Tom to deal with. What the hell was that little bitch up to? The not-so-rational part of me wanted to ask that question with my fists, but the newly responsible boyfriend part of me knew it’d be bad for Maddox if I made a scene at his work. I’d fight Tom, Maddox would get in shit for bringing trouble to the work site, he'd try to knock me out, and it’d be a whole new mess, so I’d have to come up with a different way to confront Tom.
Being mature sucked. Like,no thanks.
But there was also the sorry-for-myself part that wondered why it seemed that every time we got our shit together, something came stalking through our lives to haunt it. Our dads were both back now. Maddox didn’t know what his dad’s deal was, but there was at least a small chance he had good intentions. My dad, on the other hand, didn’t have a good-intentioned bone in his body. He was here to fuck my life up, I just didn’t know how yet. He’d pulled the ‘sorry, let’s make amends’ line plenty of times before, and guess where it got me? Stabbed, beaten, bloody, pushed down, and suffering. This time would be no different. I wasn’t in the forgiving mood, but Iwasin the mood to keep my eye on that traitorous fuck.
Which was why I walked across the street to an old park, making a big mistake that Maddox would kill me for if he found out. No one came to this playground because it wasn’t maintained, and to be honest, it was more of a death trap safety hazard than anything. Nothing but a cesspool of spent condoms, syringes, and rusty metal. I hated myself for doing this, but I hated it even more that I did it in secret. Lying to Maddox was shitty of me, but this was the only way I knew how to protect him. Lying to my brother was my own fault because I knew he’d tell me not to meet with Dad, and he’d call me the idiot I am for even thinking about it.
I might've been an idiot, but I wasn’t stupid. Jim was coming after us for something, and if I could figure out what it was and get ahead of it, it’d be the only way I knew how to protect my family and my boyfriend.Thatwas more important to me than acting like an asshole.
Night had mostly set in, and whatever light tried to shine on the park was blocked by the canopy of tree leaves. I saw the glowing ember of a cigarette and headed straight for it. Chin up, defences intact, and anger simmering under the surface of my skin where it was most useful to me.
“You came,” he said by way of greeting.
“What do you want?” I needed to get straight to the point. Get in and get out before anyone came looking for me.
“Like I said, I’m just trying to make amends.” He inhaled, not a fatherly instinct left in him. Maybe he never had one.
“Cut the shit. We both know you don’t give a fuck about amends, so tell me what you want and then leave me be.”
“You’ve grown a pair,” Dad laughed smugly. “You never had the nerve to talk to me like that before.”
I’d thought about talking to him like that before, but he was right; I hadn’t had the balls because the beating wouldn’t have been worth it. I was a new Devon now. A Devon who had the power to protect the three most important people in my life. Maddox. Mom. Nate. I had the balls because of them.
“I’ve got something going,” Dad said, tossing the butt of his cigarette to the sandy playground. “And if it all works out, I’ll be out of your life for good. Out of Garron. No strings attached.”
Good story. That’d never happen. “Why am I here then? Get on with your shit and get out of Garron.”
“There’s something I need.” Of course there was. There was always something he needed. Even if I didn’t have it, he’d need it from me or expect me to get it.
“No. Well, maybe like a hundred bucks or something to put a deposit on a boat rental. The boat is my way out.”
Leaving Garron would break his parole and send him straight back to prison, so I’d pay a hundred bucks to help him break it. “So, what else then?”
“I need a favour. You remember Patrick Harris?”
The loan shark my dad was in debt to. The guy he made a deal with for that stolen boat, and the guy Maddox threatened to get me and Nate out of jail last year. “What about him?”
“He has something of mine and I need it back.”
“So get it yourself. I’m not your thug.”
“I can’t. That’s the problem. It’s at Garron Park,” Dad said, lighting another cigarette.
“Patrick Harris doesn’t live in Garron Park. He’s from Redding. Stop lying to me.” Impatience and skepticism clawed at my nerves, telling me to run and never look back.
“Patrick hid it at Garron Park. Gary has it in his office. They’re buddies or something. I’ve been trying to get in, but Gary doesn’t like me.”
No shit. “Wonder why?” I crossed my arms. “You want me to steal this thing from Gary’s office?”
“I wouldn’t ask if I had any other choice.” Yes, he would. “You live there. You go to his office to pay rent. I just need you to snoop around a bit, and if you find it, I need you to get it for me.”
It’d never be that simple. “What do I get out of this?”