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Our Fairytale

Lifewashellfora really long time. Then Maddox happened, and he fucked our shit up in a good way. The best way.

My useless and lame life got some sort of boost. My biggest rival turned into my biggest love, and even though we still fought on the regular, the fire behind it was different. Better. Burned fiercer. Maddox Kane came along and rocked everything I thought I knew, and as prideful as I was, it was damn difficult to change my tune.

Our hate-filled feud turned into an aggressive, tension-filled trip to damnation, and I swear to fuck, I’d never been more eager to doom myself. To him. He was it for me. He saved my life so many times I had an IOU list longer than I’d ever be able to repay, but he helped me not feel so guilty about it by beating on me, even when he was saving me. What logical world that made sense in, I didn’t know, but it worked for me. Because Maddox lifted me up as much as he beat me down, and through it all, he stayed the same worthy opponent I’d always had. He matched my energy, never failed to rise to the challenge, and pushed all my buttons with a skill level only he had. Somewhere along the line, he pushed the right one; the one that opened my cynical heart and let him in.

It’s no surprise that our love story started bloody. Literally. The day after he made me bleed in a fistfight, he helped me heal from a beating my dad gave me. He still made me bleed even a year later, but that wasn’t about to change. Being rivals must have been our kink because,damn, it became my favourite dynamic.

Moving in together was no easy feat. For how badly I wanted it, sometimes I wanted to kill him more. Relationships were new to both of us, and we fucked it up more than we helped it, but it remained thrilling. And infuriating. And fucking sexy. We grew as a couple, fought more than ever, kept challenging one another, and figured out how to mesh our personalities into one hot-box of a trailer. It took some black eyes and split lips, but we got there in the end. Because all that really mattered was that we were both there, living and fighting in the same life—forthe same life. Together.

But all fairytales had a villain, and this piece of shit life was ours.



Eyesrolling,myheadfell back against the wall behind the reception desk. The shop wasn’t open yet, but my lips were. Parted on a held breath, I choked on air and weaved my fingers through Maddox’s hair, not to control him, but to encourage him to keep doing exactly what he was doing.

His now-skilled tongue slipped down my shaft, lips suctioning around me like sucking me off was the driving force to starting his day right.Goddamn, Maddox.The guy was a quick learner, and shit, he could suck a dick. My dick.

This was one of those moments. A rare one, where everything felt good for a fraction of time because hemadeit feel good. Maddox controlled the air around him as much as he controlled me, and even though this was sort of a blowjob out of spite, he made sure I became a prisoner to his pleasure.

I hadn’t made it home last night, and Maddox didn’t like that. The shop I owned with Nate and Xavi was far busier than we’d ever planned, and I’d lost track of time and stayed here working all night. So, with his mouth on my cock and his hands digging into my hips, his fury blocked out the world and kept me present in this moment only. His mouth and his energy shut off my brain just enough to forget about all my responsibilities and enjoy this for what it was. 6 AM spite head.

“Fuck, Madd,” I groaned, tugging on his hair.

He ignored me, continuing to suck me off how he wanted to. He had to be at work in half an hour, but I loved him for stopping by first. He was soft under that hard shell. I loved him for that, too.

The side door to the shop opened, but Maddox didn’t even pause. He was mostly hidden behind the desk, so Nate, walking in with bags under his eyes and a coffee mug in his hand, couldn’t see him.

“That better be Madd on his knees,” Nate teased. “And he better hurry up because Paul will be here in ten to pick up his boat.”

I gave my brother the finger as he walked through the shop to the apartment at the back. Paul was always early, but it didn’t matter because Maddox wouldn’t let me last another ten minutes. He took my cock so far down his throat he gagged, but he squeezed my hips to pull me forward anyway. The constriction of his gagging throat had my knees weakening and my fingers in his hair tightening.

“Ah, fuck,” I panted, losing my mind. My body tensed, my dick throbbed, and I came on Maddox’s command. Straight down his throat in a rush of intense pleasure, Maddox took it all and didn’t rush the finish.

Well, that woke me up.

Maddox licked his lips as I pulled him to his feet, doing my pants up and kissing the remnants of myself off his glistening lips. The shop was hot as hell, but Maddox was hotter. Fuck, this guy was sexy in his construction clothes. I grinned when he wiped his lips. He’d gotten better at swallowing, but only if it didn’t fill his mouth. I had to come into the back of his throat or this prissy bitch would gag and spit it out.

“If that’s punishment, I’m going to piss you off more often,” I laughed, kissing him again.

“You piss me off at least three times a day, asshole. Don’t push it.” He totally wanted me to push it, but not like this. Not about this. He grabbed my jaw hard. “You’re coming home tonight. Got it?”

Guilt. Fuck. “Got it,” I promised. “So needy.”

Maddox growled at me, right back to being angry. “Don’t make me admit I miss you, Devon. I’m not about that shit.”

I rolled my eyes at him, but my heart beat strong with the kind of love he threw at me. It was harsh and honest, and I thought it might be the best kind of love to ever exist. “I’ll be home.”

“I’ll kick his ass outta here at six, Madd,” Nate said, coming back into the shop. “You have fifteen minutes to get to work.”

“Shit,” Maddox cursed, stealing my coffee. “See you tonight.” He kissed me once more, hot and quick, and then ran for the door.

I admired his ass in his work pants as he left, bumping into Xavi on the way. They exchanged a quick ‘hi, bye,’ and then he was gone. Off to work for another long day. I really did miss him. We’d both been working so hard and so much that we either didn’t have time to see each other or we were too tired to make anything of it when we were home together. We strived for full-time work forever, and now I hated it a little bit. But that shit needed to change, because I refused to lose Maddox over work and money. We’d survived without it before, and we could do it again.

“Go home and get your dick sucked, Dev. You guys live together. The shop is for work.” Nate gave me a look that was an attempt at being motherly, but it failed hard.