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Devon rambled some sappy shit against my lips and I drank it in, feeling it in my heart and knowing that somehow everything would be okay. “I love you. Fuck, Maddox, I love you,” he declared.

I wanted to say it back, but my voice didn’t work. I slid my hand under his lower back and tilted him up a bit. Devon gasped as the angle changed, and that burning fire in my chest intensified when he really started to moan. To feel him all around me, back in my arms, connected with me after too long apart, I got lost in the extreme of him—of us. Devon’s ass clamped around my cock and that was it for me. We came together in a sweaty mess of love, desire, and a little emotional pain. My body locked up with pleasure, from every hair on my head to the tips of my toes. My feet tingled, my ass muscles clenched so hard it hurt, and my breath lodged in my throat.

And I finally found my voice. “I love you,” I confessed with a pulse of emotion. “I fucking love you.” And I did. I loved him more than anything, and I was sick of this kind of fighting with him. It wasn’t our style, and I didn’t want it to last any longer.

Devon pulled me down even more, his cum sticky between our bodies. He wrapped his arms around my neck and breathed into my hair, holding on for dear life. I think I did the same.

We stayed like that long enough for our sweat to chill, our heartbeats to even out, and our breathing to regulate.

“Never make me leave you for three days again, asshole,” I said.

“Never again. I promise. I can’t live without you.” He hugged me tighter.

It might not have been the conversation we needed to have, but it was as good as it was going to get tonight. It was enough for now.



Sleepinginthesamebed as Maddox felt surreal. I’d never realized how much I took it for granted until he was gone. It didn’t matter that the bed was too small to fit both of us, or that we were at his mom’s place. All that mattered was that we were wedged together again, and now that I had him back, I’d never let go.

We made a deal. We were going to talk this through tonight. I promised to be home at six, and he promised to come back for good. I wouldn’t let him down again, and I sure as shit wouldn’t make the same mistake. I’d already made it enough times.

“Devon!” Xavi shouted from across the shop. “It’s 5:30! Get the fuck out of here before Madd blows his shit… again.”

I stared at the engine I was working on, thought about trying to finish it, and then thought better of it. It’d still be there tomorrow. I said goodbye to Xavi, grabbed my shit, and headed out front.

And ran right into Nate, yelling at our dad.

“Get the hell out of here, Jim,” Nate seethed. “You aren’t getting anywhere near him.”

“He’s my son! I have a right to—”

“What the fuck is going on?” I snapped at both of them, pulling Nate back to stand at my side. “What are you doing here?” I glared at my dad.

“Devon,” Dad pleaded for some reason. “I’m here to apologize.”

Yeah, no. “You lost that right when you tried to kill me, and then you completely lost it when you tried to frame us to get out of debt. Fuck you.”

“I’m trying to get back on my feet,” he said, looking like the pathetic waste of space he was. “I just need a little help.”

It was always just a little help. “Not a fucking chance, old man,” Nate snarled. “You won’t get any help from us.” Nate pushed me behind him and spoke quietly. “I’ve got this. Go home to Madd.”

“Madd?” Dad asked, his face confused. “You’re…what?”

Nate cursed under his breath. We’d been keeping my relationship a secret ever since our dad got out of prison. We didn’t want to give him a reason to go after Maddox. He hated Maddox enough as it was because he challenged him that night and never stopped. When my dad first got out of jail, he came straight to Garron Park looking for me, but he ran into Maddox instead. Maddox didn’t hesitate to put my dad in place, and when he didn’t get the message with words, Maddox beat him bloody. Loved him for it, but it put a target on his back, so I’d been keeping the rest of our relationship and living arrangement a secret to protect my boyfriend. Jim wasn’t dumb, though, and small towns talked.

“They’re working on a bike together,” Nate lied, but Dad didn’t buy it. “Just go, Dev.”

“I’ll leave when he leaves.” Maddox would understand me being a bit late for this. I wouldn’t leave Nate alone to deal with this.

“Fine, I’m going,” Dad relented. “But can we meet up, Devon? Can we make amends?”

“No. Leave.” I hated the tiny tinge of guilt that flashed through me. He was an asshole who had legitimately tried to kill me, but he was still my dad. Lowlife or not, he was the only one I’d ever get, and I didn’t know if his desire to make amends was real or not. “If I ever change my mind, I’ll find you,” I added for some reason.

Nate didn’t like that, but he didn’t say anything about it. Dad nodded and backed away, not ready to take us both on at once. We stood there together as he climbed into a beat-up old car and pulled out of our lot. I had no idea where he got the car, but by the looks of it, he lived in it.

Nate turned and grabbed both of my shoulders. “Don’t you dare feel bad for him, Devon.”