Page 4 of Beyond The Barre

Her cheeks were a healthy pink, her lips pink and plump. Even though the mascara was gone, her lashes were naturally long and dark enough to feather over the top of her cheeks. A pair of simple silver earrings studded her ears, but she wore no other jewellery that he could see. She paused briefly before answering. “No, I mean, that’s what it’s there for. I just forget sometimes. I’m so focused on the class.”

“You look really good.” The words tumbled out of his mouth. “I mean, the girls looked really good. I was impressed.”

“Thanks.” She turned back toward the door. Now that she was side on, he couldn’t help but look at her again. Her tights left nothing to the imagination. She had a curved bottom and long, muscular legs. The faintest indents of her ribs showed below two tiny bumps on her chest. An athlete’s body for sure. Not a gram of excess body fat that he could see. He’d bet she looked sexy as hell in one of those pancake ballerina tutus.

“I’d better get ready for the next class. Aimee, good job today. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.”

Aimee looked up from the floor where she was pulling off her leather shoes. A grin split her face. “Thank you, Ms Scarlett.”

Linc smiled at the teacher as she glanced briefly at him before walking back into the studio.

“How many days a week do you take these lessons?” he asked his niece.

“Tuesdays and Thursdays.”

He nodded as he watched through the window. Scarlett went to her bag and pulled out a water bottle. Her neck extended as she wrapped those luscious lips around it and drank deeply.

He’d never been with a ballet teacher before, and he couldn’t help but wonder if she could teach him a thing or two. He wouldn’t mind being under her private tutelage, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted her.

She was a prize that wouldn’t easily be won, but he was sure the challenge would be worth the result.


Linc rubbed his eyes before staring back at the computer screen in front of him. Around him, the machinery thrummed its way through a cycle. Everything in the brewing process had to be exact or else the finished product wouldn’t taste right, and he would be out the entire cost of the brew. It was tedious, calculated work. But he loved it. And the end result was a variety of craft beers that customers loved and kept ordering.

Linc could have sold the business several times by now. Instead, he’d chosen to take it to the next level by opening his own bar. After all, he had spent a lot of his adult years in pubs, bars, and nightclubs, and he knew what customers wanted. Good quality beer, tasty food, and a lively atmosphere. That was exactly what he planned to give them when Sunshine Brew opened on New Year’s Eve.

As the machines finished their cycle and came to a quiet stop, Linc could hear the builders in the next room, hammering away. Soon the space would be fitted out with a sleek, modern bar, display cases, tables, and chairs. He had also planned a stage and had already booked a local band for their opening night. Everyone he spoke to was excited about the new venue. As good as the Bunya Bar was, it was struggling to cope with the growing crowds and tourists attracted to Maleny for the scenic countryside, cool climate, and quaint country shops and attractions.

“Here you are.”

Linc turned at the sound of Wes’s voice and greeted him with a smile. “Hey, mate, what’s going on?”

Wes gestured at the large metal vats lined up along the walls. “You’ve come a long way from those bottles of home brew you used to make us drink.”

Linc chuckled at the memory. He had thought he’d known everything back in his youth. Oh, how much he’d learned. “Yep, it’s all paying off now. Want to try my latest recipe?”

When Wes eagerly nodded, Linc led him to the tasting area he had set up next to a fridge. Wes sat on the stool and leaned against the empty barrel, which served as a table. Linc pulled out two beer glasses before retrieving an unmarked bottle from the fridge. “You’re one of the first to try this. I pureed local strawberries and rhubarb and added them into the fermenter in the secondary fermentation, after the malt sugars had been consumed.” He poured the light pink liquid into the two glasses.

“Sounds like a chick drink,” Wes said sceptically.

“Just try it. I’d like your opinion.”

Both men sipped their drinks.

“You can taste the strawberry, but it’s dry and sharp. Almost like a dry rose wine.” Wes nodded. “Audrey and her staff will love it. Especially if you can make it low calorie.”

Linc nodded, the idea taking seed. Low-calorie alcohol was definitely a trend, especially with the hipsters, and they made up a big part of his target market. “Great idea. Thanks.”

They finished their drinks while chatting about the bar and his plans for it.

“I can’t wait. I’ll be here New Year’s Eve and I reckon most of town will be too.” Wes checked his watch. “I better go. Audrey has me building a dance floor for the Christmas festival. The dancers need a particular floor or apparently they could injure themselves. Plus, Audrey thought it’d be fun if the teachers did a little performance of their own. Show the students how the professionals do it. Maybe give them something to work towards.”

Linc nodded, trying not to let the rising excitement show on his face. “So, um, all the teachers will dance?”

Wes nodded. “Yep.”

“Do you need any help?” The words tumbled out of his mouth.