Page 22 of Beyond The Barre

Linc drew lazy circles on her arm as she spoke.

“A ballet is like a winding stack of dominos: from the very first step, everything should unfold as naturally and easily as breathing. But if you miss just one step, a split second, a heartbeat in time, the whole sequence falls apart. But those moments when it all comes together ... that's when I feel it—a power like no other beating through my body, like I could take flight right there on the stage. It's a drug, a shot of pure joy, and the longer I go between hits, the more I crave it, need it, desperately fight to get back there in that perfect zone where the movements roll off my body and my feet are made of stardust, golden and bright. All the work and the criticism, the pain and insecurities, they melt away, and I finally feel whole again, like I'm the person I'm meant to be. Like I'm worthy …” Her voice trailed off as she realised how vulnerable she had just been. What would he think of her?

But his reaction was to pull her close and kiss her forehead. “You are worthy, Scarlett. Never doubt that.”

There was a reason she loved ballet enough to have made it her life. Ballet was all about rules, about precision. Those things made her comfortable. Not feelings and emotions. She preferred to push those as far away from herself as possible.

Being with Linc felt so safe—like she could finally be herself for a change and not just the person people wanted her to be. She liked him way too much. And it wasn’t just a sex thing. She wanted to jump him, yes. But she wanted to make him laugh, and she wanted to talk to him, and she wanted to know and understand him. She wanted to eat gelato with him, and wear what she wanted without worrying how she looked and skip a pilates class to lie in bed with him.

Maybe she could finally step away from the barre, from the ballerina, and simply be Scarlett.


That week was one of the happiest of Linc’s life. They spent most evenings together in each other’s arms. He had invited Scarlett to his house where they’d prepared meals together and taken long, luxurious soaks in his hot tub. She had opened up to him like no one ever had before and he had done the same in return. He’d lowered his guard and risked exposing his emotions. But he found it so hard to contain all the feelings that she brought out in him. He wanted so much more from his life now—he wanted passion.

After turning off the lights in the brewery, he locked up and walked down to meet Scarlett at the dance studio. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

He wanted to make love to her all day. Just the two of them and—whoa, whoa, whoa. Make love? Linc didn't “make love”. He had sex. So what the hell was this “making love” business all about?

His steps slowed. Was he really in that deep?

The certainty of his feelings hit him. He wanted Scarlett—not just for a fling but for everything.

He let his thoughts linger there.

No feelings of terror or fear of commitment seemed to arise. Instead, happiness and optimism rose up from his chest.

He couldn’t wait to see Scarlett again, to hold her hand, to touch her skin. She made him want things he had never wanted before. But that thought didn’t terrify him the way it once had. Instead there was a comfort and happiness there with her.

He held open the studio door as several teenage girls in pink leotards, their hair done up in buns, passed by him, giggling loudly, pink-faced from exercise.

He peeked in the studio and saw Scarlett wiping her face with a towel. “You look like you just hit the gym hard.”

She turned and her face lit up as she looked at him. “I feel a bit like it!” She moved towards him and kissed him. “How was your day?”

“It was good. Better now though.” He nibbled the delicate curve of her neck.


Linc looked up, startled at seeing Audrey at the door, hints of a smile showing on face.

“I’m off,” Audrey said. “Are you right to lock up when you leave?”

“Yeah.” Scarlett walked towards the door. “Thanks, I’ll see you in the morning.”

Audrey nodded. “You two have a good night.” She waved and left.

Scarlett spun slowly on her heel. “Caught in the act! I’m going to have some explaining to do tomorrow.” She chuckled as she moved back into Linc’s arms like a magnet unable to stay away.

He kissed her again and moved her gently towards a mirrored wall. He kissed her, hungrily, and she replied with just as much need.

He pressed her up against the barre, his hands gripping the wooden rail on either side of her hips. He pressed urgently against her, and she arched into him with equal candour. She ran her hands up the sides of his thighs, skimming the tight curve of his behind until her hands reached his back.

“I don't know what I'm doing,” she whispered against his mouth. “But I can't stop wanting to touch you, wanting to taste you.”

His lips ran dry at her last statement, his tongue heavy in his mouth as he steadied his breath. His blood seemed to pulse twice as fast as usual as he looked at her, his flickering glance capturing the flush of her pale skin under the fluorescent lights. The arousal he'd been fighting pooled in his groin, and desire wrenched inside him.

“I’ve never felt this kind of attraction to anyone before,” she said.