Page 19 of Beyond The Barre

Linc smiled as he walked to his favourite spot under a gum tree and set up the rug. Scarlett settled herself on it and continued to take in the surroundings.

Families and children of all ages splashed in the shallow rock pools while the teenagers jumped into the deeper pool and and threw footballs to each other.

Linc waved as some people he knew walked past. It wasn’t the most private of spots, but he wasn’t trying to hide his relationship with Scarlett or his feelings for her.

“This is so great,” she said, turning to him. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

He lay on his side, propped up on his elbow, and smiled at her. “You’re welcome. We used to come here all the time as kids. We’d ride our bikes through the farms and stay here all day.” He thought again how lucky he had been to grow up with such a childhood.

“That sounds amazing,” she replied, lying down on her side too. “I spent my childhood inside, dancing or working out.”

“But look where it got you.” He pretended to push some hair off her face, but really he just wanted to touch her. “You achieved all those dreams and goals you set for yourself.”

“True”—she nodded—“but I missed out on a lot too.”

“Well, there is plenty of time to make up for that now. How about a swim?”

She smiled widely at him

A few minutes later they had shed their clothes down to their swimsuits and were entering the water, hand in hand.

The chilly water did nothing to dampen the heat pooling in Linc’s loins as they entered the water and swam deeper until they could only just touch the rocky ground beneath. Scarlett’s head bobbed as she paddled around, her hair tied up in the bun which Linc had become accustomed to now.

“This way.” He waved before breast-stroking out to deeper water. The crowds lessened there and he turned, finding the cave-like hole he’d been looking for empty.

“Come sit. There’s a ledge just here.” He pulled himself onto it and watched as she swam over to join him.

The ledge wasn’t very wide, so their legs touched and the water lapped chest-height, encouraging Linc to watch as it splashed against her breasts. Damn, she was beautiful.

“Thank you for bringing me here.” She grinned at him, a playfulness in her eyes he had not seen before. Her life must always have been so serious. So planned out.

“It’s nice to just take a beat and enjoy the moment.” He gathered her hand in his and entwined her fingers with his own. She looked at him and opened her mouth the slightest bit as though she were about to say something.

Her lips were so full and pink. He remembered how perfect they were for kissing. His gaze flickered to her eyes, silently asking permission. When she didn’t move away, he slowly moved his head closer until their lips made contact. It was a brief, gentle kiss which left him wanting more. So much more.

But he wouldn’t take more until he was sure she was ready. Until he was invited.

So he slipped off the ledge and ducked under the water. His hair was dripping wet when he resurfaced. She laughed and followed him.

They found a spot in the deep pool near the waterfall. The rush of the water drowned out the noise of everyone else. They laughed as they splashed and dived around each other. Linc took every possible opportunity to touch and kiss Scarlett, and she was more than receptive to it.

Surfacing from a dive, she wiped water from her face and swam towards him slowly. He opened his arms as she moved up against him, the front of their bodies touching almost everywhere. Her arms snaked around his neck and her lips closed on his.

He tasted her lips, the fresh water making them slick and supple. His hands explored the nakedness of her back where the one-piece suit dipped low. He parted her lips and sank his tongue deeper into her mouth, stroking against hers in a sensual dance that set the world on fire.

Desire flamed through him. He had never wanted a woman so much before. He was sure that if he didn’t have her soon he would explode.

The loud laughter from a group of youths had them reluctantly pulling away. That was a little embarrassing. He watched Scarlett’s expression. Was she feeling the same way he was? Did she ache for him as he ached for her?

He didn’t know what kind of a spell he was under, but he loved it.

Scarlett stretched lazily and repositioned her head on Linc’s chest. Spread out on the blanket, basking in the sun, she couldn’t think of anywhere she would rather be. She wasn’t sure what had just happened between her and Linc, but whatever it was, no amount of ground rules were going to keep her safe.

Linc’s sculpted chest was the perfect pillow, and his muscled arms and firm fingers seemed to know exactly where and how to touch her. The heat pooling between her thighs was getting harder and harder to ignore.

His stomach rumbled, and she laughed at its tune. “We should get you something to eat,” she said.

“I know what I’d like a bite of,” Linc said as he manoeuvred to nibble on her neck. She giggled.