“This is such a great spot,” Scarlett said, gazing out the window where the hills declined and revealed the sparkling lights of Maroochydore below.
“I’m glad you like it.” Linc’s voice was gentle and soft. “The Pad Thai is my favourite dish.”
“Oh yum. I haven’t had Pad Thai in …” Her voice floated away as she tried to remember her last meal that hadn’t been a salad.
Scarlett chose the Thai Beef Salad while Linc ordered the Chicken Pad Thai. Then they sipped on their drinks as they chatted. Their conversation consisted of safe small talk before Linc leaned in and asked her to tell him more about her career as a dancer.
“I trained in ballet my whole life and have wanted to be a professional ballerina ever since I was eight years old.”
“Then why did you quit?”
“I retired. I got too old.” The word tasted dirty in her mouth. She would never have stopped dancing if her body had been able to keep up. That was the reason she’d stopped. Well, that and her boyfriend dumping her for a replacement. A young, shiny, new dancer with perfect feet and a stunning face.
“You must have had lots of amazing experiences. What was your favourite moment?”
“It was my first lead role, a small classical ballet, but it was a sign...a sign that my career was going in the right direction. A sign that maybe I could make it all the way to principal.'
“I wish I could have seen it. I bet you looked amazing.” The quiet certainty in Linc’s voice shot a bolt of pure electricity through Scarlett’s veins. “You certainly did at the Christmas show.” His voice became low and husky, enveloping her like a warm blanket.
“I used to be able to pirouette seven, sometimes eight times. Now I’m lucky to do four.” The dizzying rush of the move flashed before her. The audience whirring past her as she kept up speed, turning gracefully on one pointed foot. Her toes painfully straining against her shoe. Humans weren’t designed to do such moves and as a result, ballerinas often suffered all sorts of foot and ankle problems. Scarlett was no exception. She sometimes thought it was dancers like her who kept the painkiller producers in business. There was a time she had lived on them.
The waitress returned to them with dishes and a plate of Spring Rolls. Scarlett hoped Linc was hungry as she knew she would barely make a dent on hers. It smelled so delicious though. The Thai aromas lingered tantalisingly in the air.
“So, why Maleny?” Linc asked as he reached for a spring roll and crunched into it. Scarlett watched as he chewed, those delicious lips devouring the delicious food. It sent warmth to the juncture between her legs. It had been years since she had desired a man’s touch. His body.
“Um …” She shook her head, forcing her thoughts back to the moment. “It was Audrey. She got in touch with me and asked if I wanted to take up teaching. We’ve known each other for years, and I knew she’d be a great boss. And there was nothing keeping me in Brisbane.”
Lincoln very subtly pushed the bowl of Pad Thai towards her. Scarlett shook her head at the noodle dish and instead speared a tomato from her salad with her fork and raised it to her mouth. She chewed slowly, enjoying every little taste and sensation.
Forget about the calories. Easier said than done.
She felt Linc watching her, and she darted her tongue out to catch any sauce that may have remained on her lips.
He shifted in his seat opposite her before lifting his beer and taking a long drink.
Conversation flowed easily as they chatted about their lives, jobs, and friends. Scarlett relaxed into her seat and slowly picked at her food, surprised when the empty plates were cleared away by the waitstaff and dessert menus presented.
“Nothing for me,” she said as she pushed the menu away. After all that delicious food, she was surprised her stomach wasn’t bursting.
“Coffee then?” Linc suggested, looking at her as though he would like nothing better than to have her for dessert. The idea sent warmth and longing through her body. Arousal was a feeling she hadn’t experienced in a long time. What if she was no good at sex anymore? She’d had a total of one lover, so her experience was limited, and he had never given her any feedback or suggestions. And now, here she was, ready to bring that number of lovers to two—in just a few short minutes. Good God, was she really doing this?
She shook her head. “No, thank you.”
Linc paid the bill and they walked to his car. He opened the door for her to slide in. The drive back to her house was filled with tension. Should she ask him in? Would he presume he was invited? The anxiety of the situation had Scarlett’s stomach turning in knots. Was she really ready for this?
He pulled into her driveway and climbed out of the car and and opened her door. “Thanks,” she whispered into the night.
“My pleasure.” His voice was husky and delicious. He gently took her hand in his as they walked to her front door. Then, when she turned to him to make up an excuse for her nerves, he leaned in and captured her lips with his.
Her lips were just as soft as he’d expected, and she tasted like strawberry ChapStick. Her mouth had been teasing him all night, every time she had opened it to eat or talk, and that tongue when she licked her lips! Oh, he almost groaned thinking about it. He made sure to keep the kiss gentle. He needed to take it slowly with Scarlett. She was too fragile and easily scared away.
He was readying himself to end the kiss when she opened her lips, and she was kissing him back—seeming as lost to the moment as he was while their tongues intertwined in a sensual dance, and he felt every last synapse in his body come screaming to life. Wanting her. Wanting more.
He pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her back. She fit perfectly against him. Like their bodies had been made for each other.
Slow down! He heard his brain demand it. He stepped back. Scarlett looked dazed, her skin flushed and her eyes still half-closed. It was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.
“Do you want to come inside?” she whispered.