Page 13 of Beyond The Barre


“Are you setting any New Year’s resolutions?” Audrey asked over a cup of coffee.

Meredith’s Cafe was a local favourite, with its green plants, eclectic framed pictures and quotes on the walls. Scarlett loved the boho vibe and their locally roasted coffee was delicious.

“No, I don’t believe in resolutions. Just goals,” she admitted to her friend. She had always had lofty goals in the company. Become a soloist. Dance the lead in Giselle.

Goals had steps you could break down and work toward. Not like resolutions that people made on New Year’s Eve and forgot about the next morning.

Although her decision not to see Linc again was so far working out. Here it was, three days after the bar had opened, and she hadn’t seen him around town.

“So, no desire run a marathon, give up gluten or fall in love?” Audrey prodded.

“No way,” Scarlett replied, a little too emphatically. “Love is off the agenda for me. This year and forever.”

Audrey leaned across the table and spoke quietly, “Why are you so against falling in love? You could be so happy.”

“I am happy. I have a job I love, I get to live in this beautiful town, and I have friends like you to keep me company if I get lonely.”

“But don’t you miss it?”

Scarlett furrowed her brows. “Miss what?”

A cheeky smile spread over Audrey’s face. “Sex.”

Scarlett couldn’t help the blush that warmed her cheeks. Blame her conservative childhood, but that kind of conversation still embarrassed her. Sex had certainly taken a back seat while she was dancing. Her focus had always been on ballet first, boys second. Her teenage nickname, Queen Bun-Head, had been well earned.

Scarlett concentrated her attention on the napkin her fingers were slowly shredding into tiny pieces. “No.”

“Really? You don’t miss being touched and pleasured by someone? A good bed session could help release all that tension so tightly bound up in you.”

“What tension? I’m more relaxed now than I ever have been.”

Audrey stared at her with eyes wide open. “Now I’m wishing I’d gotten you a massage voucher for Christmas.”

Scarlett laughed. Was her friend right? Was she just fooling herself about being relaxed?

“Linc is really into you. I could tell at the bar. Perhaps getting a guy like him into bed is exactly what you need.”

“That will make me more relaxed?”

“It could help you to move on. If you can see that it's not a big deal to the other person, then maybe it won't be such a big deal to you.”

“Sex as therapy?” Scarlett tilted her head. “Is that a thing?”

“No idea.” Audrey took a big gulp from her latte. “What's the worst it can do? You have a little no-strings fun, enjoy yourself, and if you're still having issues then I’ll definitely get you a voucher for a massage. A whole bunch of them.”

Sex as therapy seemed like a much more enjoyable way to deal with her tension than a massage—not to mention it wouldn't send her broke.

Audrey emptied her mug and pushed back her chair. “And here’s your chance. Linc just walked in.”

Scarlett’s pulse quickened as she turned to look over her shoulder.

Never had a pair of khaki tradie’s duds looked so good. It wasn’t just Linc’s long legs—it was the snug fit. The heavy fabric curved around his thighs and bum like a second skin, with stretchy inserts at the knees and hips, and pockets with flaps that opened invitingly. The eye candy didn’t end there either. His V-neck shirt sat flush against his chest, outlining its breadth and the muscles beneath, and it highlighted the contrast between his trim belly and powerful shoulders.

“Keep Scarlett company for me, would you?” Audrey said to Linc as she pulled her vacant chair out for him. After throwing a cheeky smile at her friend, she hurried off.

Linc looked between Audrey’s disappearing frame and Scarlett. His eyebrow raised he looked at her. Scarlett melted under his gaze, those eyes that seemed to look into her very soul.