The friends shared lively conversation, and Scarlett’s body started to relax against the chair as she sipped her soda water and laughed at the stories being shared.
The tantalising aroma of barbecued steak teased her as it was placed in front of Wes. He eagerly reached for his knife and fork before cutting into it. Scarlett couldn’t turn away from the meal as the juices flowed from the dissected meat.
Swallowing hard, she refocused her attention on the greens in front of her. Picking her way through the lettuce, she tried to imagine just what steak tasted like. It had been so long; she couldn’t even remember.
“Linc! Over here.” Wes paused his chewing to wave someone over.
The object of his attention turned, and Scarlett gazed appreciatively at the tall, ginger-haired man. He moved with long strides towards their table. His broad shoulders and narrow hips had all the girls looking up in silent approval, but it was his eyes that held Scarlett transfixed. Their light green was a shade she’d never seen before.
“Oh my gosh, he looks a bit like Prince Harry,” Lilly whispered beside her. Scarlett did the mental comparison, and yes, her friend was right. He looked like the British royal, with his freckles and pink cheeks. She’d never seen such gingery-red hair up close. It suited him, of course, but she wondered if he had endured a childhood of teasing and bullying simply because he was born that way.
Wes stood and shook the man’s hand before turning to the group for introductions. “This is Lincoln Buchanan, owner of Sunshine Brew. Maleny’s best craft beer.” He introduced everyone, finishing with Scarlett, who smiled shyly.
Did Lincoln’s gaze linger just a little longer on her than was socially appropriate?
“I saw that article in the Hinterland Times,” Mariah said. “You’re getting ready to open your first bar soon.”
Pride glimmered in Linc’s eyes as he answered, “Yes, I’m hoping to open for New Year's Eve. So far, we’re on schedule.”
“I’ll make sure to come by and check it out,” Lilly said with a flirty smile. Did she actually flutter her eyelashes at him?
“Are you all dance teachers?” Linc asked with a grin that could melt the panties right off a woman.
Around her, the ladies nodded, most just as speechless as Scarlett.
“Scarlett here is our newest recruit.” Audrey smiled at her. “She helps me with the ballet classes. In fact, your niece Aimee is in her class.”
“Is that right?” Linc’s gaze again lingered on her. “Is she as much of a handful in class as she is at home?”
Scarlett swallowed hard, forcing herself to think about the sweet little eight-year-old girl from her grade one class. “Aimee is a lovely girl. She pays attention and picks up the steps very quickly.”
She was aware of Audrey’s gaze skimming between the two of them, and the cocked eyebrows of their friends as they watched the interaction unfold.
“You’ll be able to see for yourself at the Christmas concert,” Audrey said. “You are coming, aren’t you?”
Linc’s gaze finally left Scarlett’s, and he turned to Audrey. “Christmas concert? Oh yeah, right, of course I’ll be there.”
“Excellent,” Audrey said as she turned back to Scarlett, and Linc was pulled into conversation with Wes. “Be careful with that one,” she whispered for her ears only.
“What do you mean?” Scarlett tried hard not to gaze too longingly at the man. He really was very sexy in those jeans.
“I adore Linc, but he could charm the skin off a snake. And he knows how good-looking he is. He’s every woman’s type.”
Lilly leaned in beside them and said in a hushed voice, “He’s definitely mine.”
Scarlett shook her head and tossed the comment away. “I’m not looking to get involved with anyone. My life is busy enough as it is.”
The girls exchanged a look and a murmur. Scarlett picked up her drink and sipped it, her eyes taking another peek of Linc over the rim of her glass.
“It was lovely meeting you all,” Linc said, raising his hand in a brief wave. “Enjoy the rest of your night.”
They farewelled him in return before he walked back to the bar, re-joining a group of men.
If she hadn’t still been staring after him, Scarlett would have missed the way he positioned himself so she was still in his eyeline. Occasionally, throughout the evening, she would look up and their gazes would meet, or he would send her a smile that could only be called seductive.
But a man like Linc was not on the agenda. She had sworn off men for good. It would be a spinster’s life for her. She would not let herself be hurt a second time. She was still recovering from her last heartbreak and could not risk another.
As nice as it was to be receiving some male attention, one thing was very clear in her mind: she would not be talking to Linc again. That was one decision she was firm on.