His body screamed yes but his brain took back control. “Thank you for a lovely evening.” He thrust his hands in his pockets, turned, and practically ran back to his car. He had to leave quickly before he changed his mind.
Shame crashed through him as he glanced back at her and saw the hurt on her face.
Some people were made for togetherness, and some people were just an emotional ticking time bomb—set to detonate and destroy everything in their path. Linc knew which he was and he wasn’t about to throw that grenade into anyone’s life.
When Scarlett awoke the next morning, instead of jumping out of bed and doing pilates, she snuggled back under the doona, cringing at the memory of Linc’s rejection.
She had totally misunderstood that Linc was just giving her a cursory, end-of-date kiss goodnight and she had not only matched his kiss but asked him to do more.
She’d been deep in the most sensual, bone-melting kiss of her life, aching, needing more, and then he had stopped.
What was the matter with her? What had she done wrong? Was she not sexy enough? Had she been too easy? Wasn’t that what he wanted though? Just sex? She had been a willing partner—had that not been obvious?
Her phone buzzed on the bedside table and she blindly reached for it. Bringing her mobile under the covers, she saw a message from Audrey, asking if she wanted to join her at the gym.
Scarlett wavered between staying in bed all day and falling deeper into depression or getting up and working off last night’s meal.
She typed out a reply, saying she’d be there soon, then threw off the sheets and forced her feet to hit the floor. She pushed all thoughts of Linc from her mind as she dressed in her favourite purple workout clothes and laced up her sneakers. In the kitchen, she blended a protein smoothie and took her vitamins. She felt better already.
After grabbing her gym bag, which was always packed and ready to go, she locked the door behind her and started walking up the street to the gym.
People would be strolling around the Sunday market on Maple Street now, buying their weekly fruit and vegetables. Perhaps she would stop there on her way home and see what was on offer.
As she rounded the corner, she saw Audrey heading in her direction. She waved as her friend jogged to meet up with her.
“So? I want all the details.” They continued walking together.
Damn, Scarlett thought, why had she let slip to Audrey about her date with Linc? Now she would have to relive the embarrassment all over again.
She did her best to shrug it off. “It was fine, but I don’t think he’s that into me.”
Audrey frowned. “What makes you say that?”
“We were having a great time, and when he dropped me off we …”
Audrey stopped walking and turned to face her. “You what?”
Scarlett’s cheeks burned. “We kissed.”
A huge grin spread across Audrey’s lovely face.
“Then he pulled back and practically sprinted away.”
Scarlett could practically hear Audrey’s thoughts ticking over as a range of expressions crossed her face.
“He didn’t try to sleep with you?”
Scarlett shook her head. “And trust me, it wouldn’t have been a hard deal to seal.”
“So you had a great date and he kissed you good night and then left?”
Scarlett nodded.
“Wow, he must really like you!”