Page 40 of Travis

“Quit trying to change the subject, Greg.” I warn. “What is it that you’re trying to pull here?”

“Look, Becky.” He guffaws, snarking. “I’m not trying to pull anything. If she fucked around with me while she was with Liam, then, he has a right to know, don’t you think?”

“That’s not our business, and we don’t have the time to be thinking about that, Greg. This wedding is less than two weeks away, and if you want to keep your job, I suggest that you get your head where it belongs and refocus.”

“I saw your agenda for the next three months, Becky.” He informs. The tone in his voice says that he’s one up on me, and he knows way more than he should. “You’re fucked for a photographer, and you don’t know shit about resources for that international gala opening in Dallas, either. You need me. I’ve got every contact in Dallas from florists to goddamn shoe polishers. So, I think that you ought to let me dig a little here.”

“Are you threatening me?” I turn to him, thinking that I’ll die if I’ve been had by this guy.

“No, I’m not threatening you, I’m just reminding you that you hired me for a reason.”

“Yeah, so that I’d have an extra body to help me, especially during a huge express wedding like this, not to extort me.”

He laughs, pleased with himself. “God, Becky, this is ridiculous. We don’t need to do this. Seriously.” I’m not sure if he’s back pedalling, or if he’s using another angle here. “Let’s move on, okay? Let’s just pretend that this conversation never happened.”

“Well, it might as well not have happened, Greg. We need to focus here.” I say reasonably, feeling my gut unclench. I get the feeling that there’s more to this thing with Hanna than he’s letting on. After all, if she was just a fling, then why is he so adamant on finding out the real story here? Don’t guys just like to get in and get out just as fast when it’s a one-night-stand?

“Fine. Let’s focus.” He says, relenting.

We proceed to go through the plans for the next week. We have the major stuff to be settled here, including giving the caterer a final headcount, and finalizing everything from colors, attire, and important points for the ceremony and reception, like who will be the MC and all the other people that will perform both basic and important functions. After we run through the list and get on a conference call with Hanna and Liam, we close off the day, with a clear understanding of what each of us has to do. We’ve divided up the tasks evenly, giving myself the ones where Greg is in touch with people that I already know, and I’m in charge of connecting with those that are new. After our earlier conversation, I feel my back up, and I’m not letting him make new relationships on my behalf.

It's well past eight o’clock when we finally finish up, and Greg still seems like he has an endless supply of energy. He’s only about five years my junior, but he could pass for a senior in high school with his motivation. “So, bright and early tomorrow?” he says, packing up his briefcase.

“Yes.” I nod, feeling guarded, like I want to inspect his case before he leaves.

“Seven o’clock?” he checks, closing his case up.


“Here or at Hanna’s? Catch her before she leaves for work?”

“Sounds good.”

Something tells me he’s going to be there before me…

Chapter 12


“Fuck,Kurt!Whatdidyou have to go and say that for!” I hiss, not wanting to cause a scene in front of Liam and Hanna, but also wanting to let him know how not cool that was.

“Shit, I’m sorry, man.” Kurt says sincerely. His eyes are like dinner plates, and I suddenly feel bad for coming down so hard on him. “I mean it. I was just fucking around. I didn’t…I.” he looks over, watching Becky disappear into the ranch house. “What can I do to make it right, man?” he rakes a hand through his hair. His face is whiter than Becky’s.

“It’s okay, man.” I say, comfortingly, watching Laura observe the exchange. She walks over to us.

“What just happened?”

“Oh, man, I fucked up royally.” Kurt says. “I think Becky thinks Travis is boinking the girl at the sheriff’s office now, because of me and my big fucking mouth.”

Laura lifts a hand. “It’s okay. I’ll take care of it.”

“Thanks.” Both me and Kurt say on exhale. I keep looking back at the house, and watching the photographer and Greg, the asshole, every ten seconds or so, until Becky finally reappears. She looks like shit and my heart sinks. I’d never do anything to hurt a hair on her head, and even though it’s not my fault, it feels like that’s exactly what I did. I wait until they’re packing up and I pull her off to the side.

“You okay, Beck? You didn’t look so good earlier, you know, when Kurt made that joke?” my hand is on her back. Fuck it if she’s not okay with it.

“I’m fine. It was a joke.” She smiles, clearly embarrassed.

“Are you sure? You looked like you were gonna puke or something.”