Page 30 of Travis

Chapter 9


Mynervesareshotas I worry about what’s going to go down tonight at Sara’s house. And after talking myself out of it a dozen times, I call her, when I feel like it’s late enough that they’ve at least had dinner. Surprising me, Ron picks up her phone.

“Hey, buddy, what are you doing answering Sara’s phone?” I chuckle.

“Ah, she left it on the counter and I saw that it was you, so she told me to answer it for her.”

“Ah. Is Becky still there?”

“Err…yeah. Do you want to talk to her?”

“No, no, I wanted to talk to Sara, actually.”

“She’s in the loo. That’s why she screamed from the toilet for me to pick it up.” He hesitates, sounding like he’s swallowing something. “Hey, why don’t you pop over? I’m having some buddies over for a card game while Sara and Becky hen peck out in the living room.”

“Sure. I’ll be right over.” I grab my keys and head out. The ranch is quiet. Just the horses are outside grazing. I salute Grayson as he pulls in and I tell him where I’m heading. He’s just coming in from the clinic, and he looks dog tired. “Take it easy.”

“Oh, I will .” He smiles as we pass each other and I get into my truck. As I pull up to Ron and Sara’s house, Ron is outside on the phone. He’s just finishing a call and hangs up by the time I’m out of the truck. “Hey, man.”

“Hey.” He chuckles, patting my back. “Glad you could make it. Someone else bailed.”

“Gee, Ron. You’re not as popular these days, are you.” I joke.

“Come on in.” He snuffles. “Y’all want a beer?”

“Sure. Just one though.”

“Yeah. Same here. I’ve got a deposition in the morning. Gotta be in top shape.”

“You mean to tell me you can manage just one beer with all the other guys?”

He just grins, letting me into the house before him. “The girls are in the living room. I think Sara’s on a call.”

“I’ll go peek my head in there.” I murmur. He gives me a look.

“And there’s the real reason why you paid me a visit.”

I ignore him and walk into the living room. Sara is at the patio doors in the back of the room, and Becky is sitting on the couch, scrolling on her phone. “Hey.” I say, almost in a whisper.

She looks up. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

“Ron invited me over to play cards with his buddies. Thought I’d peek my head in and say hello.”

“Oh.” She says. I can tell that she has something on her mind, but I don’t know if she’s had a chance to talk it out with Sara yet. That being said, I’m not sure if she’s going to tell me first. But since Sara’s on the phone I take my chances.

“How’s it going with Greg?” I ask plainly. Becky knows that I’m not about playing mind games. I’m straight up.

Sara finishes the call and I think I’m sunk, but thankfully, Sara is in both of our courts. Sometimes I wonder who she loves more and I’m so blessed because of that. I look at Becky to see if she’ll answer my question.

“Sorry about that.” Sara says. Then she addresses me. “We haven’t even had a chance to talk yet.” She says this for both of our benefits. I wait for Becky to give me a dismissive look, indicating that I’m not welcome to be present for this conversation, but it doesn’t come. I wonder if I should be gentlemanly about it and excuse myself, but something tells me that Sara has already let her in on the fact that I’m terribly concerned.

“So, what’s the story on Greg?” Sara continues.

With a sigh, Becky answers. “It turns out it’s not Greg I need to worry about. It’s Hanna.”

My instincts tell me to grab her hand but I stop myself. “What do you mean?” I ask.