Travis is overhearing, and I know that he wants to kiss me. I can tell by his face. He always used to kiss me when I was on the phone, even just to say hello.
“Let’s just say that bribery never gets old.”
“Bribery? Aren’t they stinking rich?”
“I didn’t bribe her with money.”
I’m intrigued. “How did you bribe her?”
“Well, it turns out that she and her new lover are looking for a house. And she is completely flipped out over this one house, but it’s not for sale…yet. I just happen to know the owner, and I know that he’s going to be selling it in a couple of months. Can you see where this is going?”
I bite my lip, smiling, impressed. “You dirty dog.”
“So, I don’t think we need to worry about dear old Cher, if you get my drift.”
“But…how did you know that she’s looking for a house?”
I can hear the modest shrug over the phone. “I found her Facebook profile and she was live at some plaza where I know that there’s a real estate office that posts pictures of really nice places that are coming up for sale. On a whim I went over, hoping that I could tap into something useful about her that I could manipulate to my benefit. Sure enough, she headed over to this office and took a look at the photos of houses and estates coming up for sale. Started talking to her and found out that not only is she pregnant, but she’s also got about the biggest fucking mouth you could imagine. Hell, that bitch would tell me what position she used when she conceived her child if I’d asked her. Stupid, really. But easy as hell to glean info from.”
“You are a genius.” I gush.
“No, she’s just really stupid.” Sara guffaws. “No wonder she’s knocked up.”
“Stop.” I snort.
“And her boyfriend….uuuuugly.”
I laugh out loud. “You’re the best.”
“I owe you one.”
Sara clicks off. I smile at Travis.
“So, Sara came to the rescue, did she.”
I can’t wipe the smile off my face. “Yeah. She’s the best.”
Kurt, overhearing, walks by, with an odd comment. “Did she steal Christmas decorations, too?”
My face mirrors Kurt’s playful smirk. “Who stole Christmas decorations?”
Thumbing at Travis, Kurt answers. “This guy here. Stole them for his girlfriend over at the sheriff’s office.”
Why, I don’t know, but something in the pit of my stomach drops. I try to stifle it, but it’s too late. My face falls. “Girlfriend?” I look at Travis. I mean, I knew that him seeing someone else was something that I would have to consider. I just…I’m not ready for that yet. The crack in my voice is palpable.
Travis hears it. He looks at me soberly. “It’s nothing like that, Becky. I went over and asked her if she could check something for me. The place was all decked out in shabby Christmas decorations and the sheriff’s too cheap to buy new ones. It was the least that I could do, and Laura’s got enough lights and decorations to fill goddamn Noah’s Ark if need be. That’s all it was. I promise.”
“Oh, shit, yeah.” Kurt snuffles. “I was just goofing off. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”
“I...it’s okay.” I lie. “Would you excuse me for a minute?” I say, feeling a little sick. I walk into the ranch house and go to the washroom. My chest heaves with emotion. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. This is what I wanted. The possibility of Travis seeing someone else is inevitable. He’s an adult male with needs just like anyone else. I am going to have to learn to accept this. Travis will move on just like me, and even though this instance is benign, maybe the next time it won’t be. And I need to prepare myself for that. As I stand there, waiting for the nausea to pass, I can feel the tears come. I haven’t cried much since Travis left, but I knew that they would come at some point. You don’t end a marriage with dry eyes. Nobody ever has, I’m sure of it.
As I stand in Laura’s washroom, I let it out. I push the toilet seat down and sit on it, checking to make sure that the garbage pail is nearby, in case I still need to puke. The sobbing comes and I don’t stop it. Until I hear a knock at the door. “Becky?” It’s Laura. Her voice is solemn. “You okay in there, darlin’?”
Laura, I trust with everything. I know that she’s got a soft spot for both me and Travis, seeing as she’s so good to both of us. Unlatching the lock, I let her in. “I’m fine.” I lie.