Page 4 of Rough Heat

Leo hummed in understanding, one of his hands rising, thumb brushing across the blush that still lingered on Josh’s cheeks. “He gives you what you need, huh?”

“Yeah.” Josh half sighed.

Leo looked at Damon, making sure his stare wasn’t threatening, wasn’t even teasing. He couldn’t imagine what it must be like, watching your mate go through heat after heat and not being able to help, not completely. Leo wanted them to know that he didn’t think it meant Damon wasn’t enough—that Leo was here because Damon had failed somehow.

The mere fact that Damon was willing to invite Leo into their relationship was enough to show how much the Alpha cared.

Turning his attention back to Josh, Leo cupped his face, tilting it a little, telegraphing his movement as he pressed their lips together. Soft, at first, letting both of them get used to the idea of Josh kissing someone that wasn’t Damon.

He pulled away, a breath of space, and kissed Josh again and again, letting the Omega set the pace. Leo opened his mouth as Josh’s tongue darted out, everything turning wet. Josh let out a slight, startled noise as the kiss deepened, turning filthy for a moment before they broke away for good.

Leo opened his eyes, not having realised he’d closed them, head reeling a little. Damn, that had been good—not too wet, but slow and intense.

He looked at Damon, not knowing what to expect, but the Alpha was utterly indecipherable. Even his scent was a confused mess, the spice of arousal and acidity of anger mixing oddly.

“Okay?” Leo asked Damon lowly.

Damon nodded.

“You can say no, obviously, but can I kiss you?” Leo didn’t know if Damon was into Alphas, but this would go a lot smoother if there was chemistry between them, too.

Damon seemed surprised, as if it hadn’t even crossed his mind that there might be any contact between them. He nodded slowly after a moment, though, and Josh shifted back, letting Leo lean over him to tangle his hand in Damon’s hair.

Damon didn’t flinch, eyes determined and dark, surprising Leo with how slow the kiss turned out to be. It was Damon that caught Leo’s lips, not quite taking control but not giving much up, either. Even when Leo let his mouth fall open, the kiss remained shallow, a tease, making Leo lean forwards just so he could taste a little bit more.

Leo was panting when they finally parted, Josh flushed and wide-eyed between them.

“Oh,” the Omega said softly, and a thrill went through Leo.

It’d been a while since he felt like this—the performance gone, leaving just him, a little desperate, a little lost in it.

Josh raised his hand tentatively. “Can I?”

Leo startled a little. “Huh?”

“Can I scent you?”

“Oh. Yeah.” Leo tilted his head back, baring his neck.

Damon took in a sharp breath, and Leo looked at him even as Josh traced the column of Leo’s neck, following the movement with his lips. He glanced over Leo’s scent gland, making his eyes flutter closed.

“Fuck,” Damon’s voice said, and then there was a mouth on Leo’s, Damon’s heavy hand on his face, tilting him so Josh had even more access.

Leo melted into it. Into being caught between the two of them, scents thickening—even Josh’s, the fresh breeze of him bursting to life.

Fuck, he was getting hard in his jeans, which was ridiculous to do from just a kiss. He moaned as Damon bit into his bottom lip, Josh dragging his tongue against his scent gland, making Leo shudder.

It was as if the noise broke the spell between them, pulling them apart panting.

Leo shook his head a little, trying to clear it from the vapour of heat and want that had taken over.

“Well,” Josh started with a laugh, “I don’t think chemistry is gonna be a problem.”

“Uh, yeah. No,” Leo agreed with a snort.

They both turned towards Damon, his red face and spit-shiny lips. Leo felt a bolt of lust go through him, and judging by the noise that escaped Josh, he’d had a similar reaction.

Leo sat back, giving them some space, but nothing more than a heated look passed between them.