By the time they finished eating, the mood was much lighter, virtually all awkwardness gone. Even when they were done cleaning up and Damon suggested they scent, Damon barely seemed to tense.
“We can do it wherever, but hopefully it’ll help things go smoothly during heat.”
Josh and Damon looked at each other before Damon nodded, saying, “We can go to the bed, if you’re okay with that.”
“Sure,” Leo said easily and followed them to their room.
Leo flopped onto the mattress, turning onto his back and smiling at them. Hopefully his ease with what they were doing would be contagious and calm the other two.
It seemed to work somewhat as Josh crawled beside him, lying down tentatively as Damon did the same on his other side.
“Wow, comfy bed. Thousand-count sheets?”
Josh snorted. “These sheets are as old as time. I think it’s just the constant washing that makes them soft.”
“God, I’m in bed with a couple of peasants,” Leo joked, smiling wide when Damon snorted loudly.
“Okay, simmer down,” Damon said, but the light in his eyes was dancing.
Leo blinked at them slowly before he tilted his head back, posture open. Submissive. Both Josh and Damon looked at the exposed skin at once, Josh’s cheeks going a little red as he asked, “Can I?”
Leo’s eyes fluttered closed as Josh ran his nose under Leo’s jaw, breath soft and hot. He’d been trying not to think about it, but the bed smelt good. Like Damon and Josh. Like comfort. Having Josh so close just made it better, his fresh scent washing over him, a sigh escaping his lips.
Leo twitched as Josh brushed his lips against him, scent gland tingling as the faintest pressure was applied. It was strange, how reactive he was with these two men he barely knew, especially considering what his job was.
Leo didn’t have the mental space to worry about it, though. He lifted his hand, brushing it along the nape of Josh’s neck. Now it was his turn to ask, “Can I?”
“Yeah,” Josh murmured, and the word sent a shudder down Leo’s spine.
He trailed his fingers through Josh’s hair, moving them until they were pressing below his ear, going lower and daring to touch Josh’s bond mark.
Josh jerked, gasping, and Leo took his hand back quickly. What the fuck had he been doing, touching something so intimate?
As he opened his eyes, though, he didn’t see anger in Damon’s face, or smell it in his scent. Instead, Damon’s pupils had gone huge, dark, swallowing Leo in.
Leo parted his lips, wanting to ask for something, but not knowing if he should. His face must have spoken for him, however, because Damon shifted closer.
He moved his large hand slowly, a question on his face. Leo nodded, closing his eyes again as Damon’s fingers touched the other side of his neck.
Leo lost himself in it. Despite his profession, he wasn’t often the focus of pleasure. Usually, it was him servicing someone else, not this sweet, slow touching.
He was shuddering lightly by the time Damon ran the flat of his tongue against Leo’s scent gland unexpectedly, making him arch and moan, the noise shattering the calm around him.
Josh pulled away with a muttered, “Fuck,” returning a moment later and pressing his lips to Leo’s. Leo opened his mouth at once, letting himself be devoured, heat pooling in the pit of his stomach.
The onslaught ended as abruptly as it had begun. In sync, Josh and Damon pulled back, panting, leaving Leo a mess on the sheets.
Fuck. Fuck… That had been way too intense.
He got up on an elbow woozily, trying to calm his body. “Okay. Whoa.”
“Is that…” Josh trailed off.
“Is that normal?” Damon asked him.
Leo found himself shaking his head. “Uh, not really. I mean, it’s hard to say what’s normal when it comes to sex.” Not that what they had just done was sex—it was scenting. It had just felt like sex.