Page 80 of Overtime

In the end, no matter how hard the Cats fought, no matter how many points Ishir and his line put up, the Hounds simply outplayed them. They didn’t even manage to push it to a game seven, the Hounds managing to wrap it up in six.

The locker room after was deathly silent. Ishir could see the frustration and disappointment on every face, but no one’s hit harder than Orion.

Ishir wanted to get his captain another Cup. To make sure his legacy as the first out Omega in the NHL was undeniable.

He startled as Bergy sat beside him in his stall and pulled him in. “You did good, man. Fucking MVP of the playoffs.”

“I think you have to win to get MVP.”

“Well, fuck that. You’re the most valuable player inmyheart.”

Ishir laughed, grateful beyond words for his friend and his ability to make him smile at a time like this. “Nobody can say we didn’t fucking try.”

“We made them battle for it. Three overtimes in six games—we fought.”

Ishir nodded, huffing a laugh as Bergy smacked a kiss on his forehead and then went to undress and shower.

Ishir tried to force himself to follow Bergy. Part of him wanted to remain there, surrounded by his team, the only people in the world who shared what he was feeling, but he could wallow just as well at home.

“Hey,” Zee said, approaching him. “Let’s get something to eat, yeah?”

Ishir strained to his feet. “I want some fucking Da Nonna Rosa.”

Zee grinned. “Let’s get some fucking Da Nonna Rosa, then.”

They went home, deflated and exhausted, ordering two pizzas and demolishing most of them.

“You know,” Zee mused, staring off into the distance as they slumped on the couch, bellies full but hearts heavy. “I know it’s been a weird year, and a lot of shit has happened, but I’m really glad I was traded here. I’m glad I went through it withyou.”

Zee’s words shed a soft, golden light onto Ishir’s dark mood.

Playing together in the NHL was a childhood dream. Despite everything that had happened, Ishir couldn’t bring himself to regret it. “Same here. And this is only the start, huh?”

“Yep. Watch out, world, Zee and Zammy are out to get you.”

How could Ishir complain when he still had that?

The rest of the week crawled by. Packing up the locker room was always depressing, especially after being booted from the playoffs. They all went to Ollie’s for a last hurrah, and although subdued, it was nice to say bye to the guys for the summer.

Zee and Ishir tidied the house, not discussing whether they’d live there the following season. Ishir had an inkling Zee assumed they would, but he honestly didn’t know if he could survive another year.

That was a problem for the future, though. The lease wasn’t up until fall and, as stupid as it was to pay Brooklyn-priced rents over the summer, it was easier to deal with it later.

They flew out to Minnesota together, the plane ride mostly silent, Ishir deep in his own head. When they parted at the airport, each of their parents picking them up, they hugged for a little too long, a little too hard.

It was silly, feeling as though he was losing something. Zee lived twenty minutes away. They were teammates. Friends.

As he got into the car, though, he couldn’t help but feel like this year had emptied him of something he’d never get back.


Usually, Ishir saw Zee almost every day during the summer. Two weeks after they’d left New York together, they hadn’t seen each other even once.

It wasn’t for Zee’s lack of trying. He blew up Ishir’s phone the first few days until Ishir told him he just needed some time to chill alone.

I’ll text you in a few weeks, Ishir had sent him.

Weeks?Zee had responded, followed immediately by,Sure of course you let me know.