Page 55 of Overtime

“Let’s fucking go, then.” Ishir didn’t wait for a response, getting up and walking away.

The air outside was a shock of cold. Zee sidled up beside him, shoulders hunched, and they waited in silence for a car.

Confusion ate away at Ishir. This whole thing had been a mistake, from the very first time he’d told Zee about his weird thing with goals and rewards. Things would be so much simpler if he’d didn’t know how good it could be with Zee.

If he wasn’t so weak as to want him with every fucking drop of blood in his pathetic body.

Ishir remained lost in thought during the ride, the walk through the hotel, up the elevator. He was so out of it as they entered their room that he didn’t notice Zee crowding him until he was being slammed against a wall, the air knocked out of him.

For a crazy moment, he thought Zee was going to fight him. That he was about to get punched by his best friend for daring to think he deserved anything more from him.

Instead, Zee fisted his hair and took his mouth in a savage kiss.

“What?” Ishir gasped, sound muffled, broken up by Zee’s punishing tongue.

Zee didn’t let him say anything else, sliding their lips together, fucking into Ishir with spit and teeth.

Ishir’s knees almost buckled, but he was held in place by Zee’s hard, thick body. He kissed back, moaning as he was lit on fire, all his nerves singing.

Zee pressed them together from thighs to chests. Ishir could barely breathe, but it didn’t matter. This was better than oxygen. It was better than anything he’d thought the night would bring.

“I’ll make it good,” Zee growled.

Ishir almost laughed. As if that was in fucking question. He would never have suggested going to a bar if he’d considered this an option.

He wrapped Zee up in his arms, wanting him closer, wanting more. Zee went readily, fingers harsh in Ishir’s hair, pulling so that his neck was exposed and trailing his lips there.

Ishir groaned loudly as Zee sucked on his scent gland, and Zee shushed him gently.

“You gotta be quiet, yeah? Nobody gets to hear you but me,” Zee murmured.

“Yeah. Yeah, okay,” Ishir whispered. He didn’t know if he could contain himself, not with Zee, but hell if he wasn’t going to try.

Zee dragged him away from the wall and towards the bed, pushing him onto it. Ishir let himself fall, blinking up at Zee stupidly for a few seconds, but then the other Alpha was on him again, kissing him as if it were the last thing they’d ever do on Earth.

Ishir let it wash him away, out to the deep and the blue. He never actually justkissedpeople. He rarely fucked anybody more than once, and it was always with the singular goal of coming. Of getting fucked. There was foreplay, obviously, but never this languid making out.

It made something inside him ache. An old longing for what his teenage years could have been. For what he’d missed out on.

It was silly to mourn something he was holding onto in the present, though, and he gave himself over to it.

The movement of their lips turned syrupy and slow, to ravaging, to sweet once more. Zee held Ishir’s face in his big, rough hands. His touch felt like safety. Like home.

Zee eventually shifted to Ishir’s neck again, licking and sucking there. Ishir shuddered all over. He was sweating, burning, so hard that the confinements of his suit pants hurt.

It didn’t take long for Zee to become impatient. He sat back, ripping Ishir’s jacket away and unbuttoning his shirt with a focus Ishir normally witnessed on the ice.

Zee went for his pants next, trying to yank them off and huffing at the fact that Ishir’s shoes were still on. He knocked them off, one of them hitting a wall.

“I thought you said to be quiet?” Ishir joked.

Zee ignored him. In a whirlwind, Ishir was bare except for his straining briefs, the line of his hard cock unmistakable.

“You want this, don’t you?” Zee rumbled.

Ishir didn’t think he had to respond—the answer was blatantly obvious.

Still, Zee repeated the question. “Don’t you?”